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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The Whistle blower

Inside that Space Program or the Black Ops words are being mentioned.

It’s the contactee.

Kerry them themselves are not very structural. So it’s probably an organization chart like Loving the Silent Tears 40 shows run in one day those. Meaning it’s an unbrella down.

They are starting at the conctactee.

Normally with American Congress, they started 2004, same time in a month they or the police they boss at in any department if things to be very bad I believe that’s the normal IQ they all taken exam to get in….in whichever department. This is 20 years later. I got a seat meaning exactly that Princess Diary, side by Congress, I just hand it to them. Or NASA.

These scene however it’s not normal, because I made it all looking like that by myself. They knew the movie but someone jump in the Time to run at the car so they have a side by. But roughly I can tell you like that. I pick the education department side by included. - it’s a textbook.

This world is very simple, you got a strange things in the TV. You cannot be knowing everything but as long as you with that fame to IQ, only just an IQ. It is a seat. Many people doing things without the IQ, here I will specifically say the knowledge parts. Not the Vola scenario.

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