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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


You want to do these sexual games like that comic book - Love to Cry Little, how you take off your bra. You lying to your parents becoming a habit, you didn't think when you face that privacy psychiatrist, if that is normal.

Its not normal. 

Its not normal you go and lying to your parents. 

Option 2

You wish to join those sexual house swap to wild game to a man, one of those life, because you thought about how to die on the street in case, in case, in case....meaning swapping the house street, to make the wife or the husband neighbor for a ride. One of those, I will tell you this option will not apply to that 3 on the line human. Tamang, Wing or Dean. 

They go along that doesn't mean in the last min, they pull out of that house game. You have no participant in it. It might be Karen and Adria is very good at it, and in the mean time the theft occurs, on one of the face in the TV. Just look at the results, I can guess that. Only I know my own self what the sequence I claim at all. 

You see, you are so used to lie in the whole life, you didn't think if your parents found out, what is the difference that makes? 

But you see, you don't build one trust with anyone near you, around you. You can keep staring at this one Eben or Craig, but no one will talk to you or knowing you, by the age 60 years old, you will see there is no one bond you solid to build with one person in your life, your parents will die, and so are all these map points of all UB. You can all be together for one court room, but those scene you don't build a correct thing in life, you cannot build a trustworthy bond with anyone.

Not in your voice, not in your expression, not in your any day if you gonna face that one lonely life in One State they told you to, you cannot even think what that is.

Its better you learn this one thing I forever say to you.

Never lying, never stealing. You should really really really remember every word I say here, seriously, don't wait til the very last min, whatever I told you so.

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