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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Sometimes people have to work on 40 years to imagine one Good Will Hunting ...one of those.

Everyone is permissive with life but its the life in front of them right now. That is an ambition, with the past or to the future infinity that here you go ...

Right, I going to Ireland watching them how to get on the rest of those years...I say months, I didn't say the years. You know back in time, that scarf lady was on these UB 100 people's peripheral. They might even show to the next by whom...her name is Wendy. There was a lot of the video that I shared on the facebook. 

I will just tell them, if Honor class has the brain, why don't you just invent anything other than the UB robotics, your own interests, what is your own very hobby?! The class is not the program, they don't have any other friend other than me, I am telling you.

Right, they used to know Eben or Craig Ballantyne, they did see them. But to say the Conan Detective Chrisom Love Letter, I highly doubt they ever imagine that Sailor Moon was not 20 years later all of this at all. 

To them probably is still important, so I withdraw, I told Dean already Oct 21th, 2021, I have no idea whom were later be told on the facebook. None of their attitude was right. 

What year is this....imagine what was Dean's head, that was 2 years ago. 

The life philosophy never hits on them, the religion or the moral, or the ethic, or anything why another person in life, or even inside their own personal life or the husband wife or the parents included .....all that. To suddenly realize the life has to grown up, of course everything hurts them. To all that hurting them the most, its their own personal life, all that life might be so important too. Not Eben or Craig. 

Its what if one day my face is not this flat face anymore?

It will hurt you more, how much I really don't care about it. 

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