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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


You are inside your education program, I told you its eternal you cannot take it off.


Want to say yeh or neh complains, to which year, what you did, or how you do it inside which program such as.

"I am an international medical school, the first year after UB, I didn't get in the international medical school I got devastated, and Dean just graduate from UB undergraduate in 2008. Anna doesn't know, she just went back to UB 2007, never telling anyone what she does other than that facebook. I think she is MLS program that time."

"Its 10 years since 2014, so I give you a break down between 2006-2014, and 2014 on. I am not studying the MCAT anymore, never gonna be double major or 4.0 each class. I am trying to get the justice heard, I believe we have the group power."

"I will burst out cry on the kneel at the floor if they make me, because I need all that princess dream idea. I theft, I stolen, I do whatever it takes, I know there are the bad people out there to agree with me. I believe my own story that is the only forever faith and world ought to be."

"Anna says it will never happen."

"Not the moment it happens, to the moment to end. Not like that."

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