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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Why am I looking at Movie: Elvis (his eyes.....)

Why don't you really be honest the last sheet I give you (last post), I need to exercise and lose weight.

69.95 kg.

===>   They are very very hatred that BTX 鋼鐵神兵 eyes, really, every eyes. Hank is very local Taiwanese here, nothing near by us. 

(American classify military or every American military combine data whatever.... hatred )

眼睛 ! 

This is the passing time down things - Tom Hank, his name is not Tim or....why you run away to Poland, you have no passport, no ID, no  .... 

這在講傳承的事情,又在講什麼什麼因為 Tom Hank 1998 電子情書 

Tom Hank was Movie: You've Got Mail.

I say looks like Justin Bieber (When he was on the stage, all the girls sitting around the stage edge),

5 mins later, I explain to my mother birthday before, today I told her again, I show her just now BTX all photo this eyes, and I explain Dimitri's brithday, and Da Vinci and me, and Tesla. So I remind her again about the Elvis birthday or death date like my brother.  So I asked what do you think he looks like? I say do you think its Justin Bieber. 

She says the real person looks even more alike Justin Bieber !! I faint. So I come here to research. 

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