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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


When I was in the body detox (raising the head with the hope, Ola)

What is so hopeful?

The body shape, or the records? To write-up somebody?

I gone through a lot of this phase of the hunger response, or the cold hand. All that to one day whom I am right now. You panic, you scream, you are nothing but ....a spoil rat / or seeing the spoiled boy very little age never grew up. Its very very bad, whatever that is.

The love will not come back to you....none of them will. You will never find a date, or how long it will never be "because you practice one speech", whatever the vola at the parents, only they know. They day they say goodbye to you, you have no more people around you. You have to live through that, including the disharmony with your sibling in front of your parents. 

I have this disaccord things, but their essence gone through some life, even if they are in quarrel, its all the intelligent correct says. I can just sit there and listen.  You never be with someone whom are very very stable.

However that stable background comes from. Or genuine, its not to hurt me, so a lot of this whatever I gone through this far, it was like 3 years? I never thought I gonna walking out of all that. 

Going through hell you all if were, its because no one will see or know. To one day if you have to come back this review, you kneel at your own parents or all your classmate that very day, your ego right now this heighten, to then....you know how that will ever goes? What it makes you so abyss so you will bent? So I assuming going to hell all that is what it is.

If you don't give a shit to be a doctor, why you choose that pre-major long time ago?  Because you just don't quit keep lying, no matter what?

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