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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


What Hailey's dad pays the money at that operation?

I think the Taiwan hospital supposes to call them when they like that, or Hailey calls them, or someone asking them about Peyton's situation. He guessing something is up, or he has one of those faith issue, or his inside those Church.

I told everyone is a youth in that church now. They get rid of all the things they cannot reach, they are not doing the missionary to arrive there, or they don't care about it. Taiwan or America has to take care of that bill. 

  • No, I never inquire them. 
  • No, I don't really know. 
  • That situation maybe America has the methods, right. Its a very very specialist field. Did he go to the private school too? Right, its super expensive. If her father didn't sort that bill, its a very very high stake. 
  • My mother's condition maybe also has to go to the America. 
  • When that time comes, I will. City of Hope is on the map.
  • There is a certain specialist is in the Western Sphere. We have heard that from Taiwan. The specialist.
  • No, I don't know if Hailey's dad has a problem. No. He is not supposed to, the very high billing methods. 
  • That family looks like 4 human with the mouth opens to talk, so....
  • It may not be the in-laws situation but the whole family have some English saying to talk about the bill. 

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