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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


就是找日本、台灣身高長相這些亞洲男孩子 W 2 工作 ! 我剛剛講 First, I am home 第一尊上在家

Second I told you before its sea islander weather, they content inside their own home. If they can retire home early,

They come back to Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Sigapore. really.

第二是他們都是海島型氣候,他們很 content 在自己的國家家裡,如果他們可以提找退休,他們回到日本、香港、台灣、新加坡

Not conquering the world

不是征服世界 !

They are guessing me Honorable superior its more like which side of the spectrum.


They often just ending up coming back home.


Worse, its now, 最糟糕是現在

Because she is home The Honorable Superior, that is a real word. 因為她現在在家,尊上在家,那其實是一個名詞

Two days ago I heard, no, not before


I told everyone the sea island world they all coming back home, right.

我告訴所有人是海島型氣候都回自己家  5 year ago? 五年前?

We actually have the hospital, and the saving for 65 years old, and the property here....and other things all combine. We watch the night market or they also the political tear down the hygienic things. No more driving. The public health always on the TV.

我們其實有醫院這邊,台北,而且有 65 歲之後現在付呀 ! 還有這邊房子,還有很多事情加起來,我們其實是會講夜市怎麼了,或是政治因素,拆了衛生局每一天都在電視上,不需要開車。

Not conquering the world. 不是征服世界!

Ambition is not that giant big. 志向其實沒有那麼高!

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