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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


American military hide data to the medical board. Correct they found out.

All the managing people of that bracket has to be all the Asian Tall male.

Dr. Bing, Tamang, and Wing.  They stay in that jobs, a perfect salary, and then someone has to send in their supports. The white guys needs the weekend off. The Asian paper thin, they did a very good paper processing, not exactly Tamang or Wing ABC. Some others correct MD. The correct line by line, they got trained. They may not have the girls around, just get the jobs done. Its more of Taiwan or Japan this democracy world included.

See the Asian male looking


No, Asian. Not Indian. Its the Asian male, tall too. If they don't marry to Wing, its this type of the Asian, they wish they stay in America, from the American military views. They are highly trained or very very detailed oriented. Never gonna be Wing or Tamang's look. Its these UB directory highly literate look.  Japan, Taiwan, Singapore.  The money and some friendship. They know the White worlds, the real scene around them were all fake. The real substance human is taken. Both at the American military or the Top of something, or the Pixie. Correct, they are all the taller Asian guys, and stable. Its between Tamang and Wing's height.

Its all Vicky's stuffs in W Two Worlds (W2)

She doesn't know, UB doesn't know, the medical board doesn't know, in whichever year, the military lawsuit. That is what the behind find outs. The military only knows what that means, but they don't know the exactly, and they cannot ask me.  So....there is the American medical board. W2 is American working visa. 

Happy, Pixie?

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