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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The modern diet saying you intake 3 meals a day, some skip the breakfast, at least I thought that was a norm in curezone

So when that I believe in that, then I think this City the breakfast, it was not anymore this one sheet with the egg mixture to say 台灣蛋餅 the small tiny things anymore, you away from the school....meaning no more gym class from that K1 to K12 school or the school mates together to run (in Asia).

Taipei is the metropolitan city, very expensive.

One egg is not expensive, if that lasting one week, no matter how homeless you becoming...

At night, one apple, or one pear if you get in the door too late like 9 oclock?  If I lived with this Shane or Nicky one of them getting in the door, I already prepare so many days left over, everyday I prepare the food, its a habitual thing you doing that every day. A little bit this or a little bit on that. The devil eggs if they have groups of them 4 people coming in, Nicky just put the eggs in his mouth to go and take a shower, in Shane's place. They might be whom is more in contact, I am guessing not that I know. But he could take the entire plate and swallow to go to his shower ring. Its in the fridge. 4 in a small tiny plate, that is 2 eggs.

You don't know how to make a devil eggs? Mustard with the yolk, or mayo, sometimes people know where to get this piko raddish jar. I have no idea this American ingredient and I was a vegan so long....

You depend on in whom's house, what if its my house? I have no idea whom is whom at all, I am just putting up roughly it looks like that TV saying just like the TV pretending that might be true. Someone has to go and wash his hand and go and take a shower !!!!

Do you know how to cut an apple or a pear to line up or an orange decorative plate, their night snack might be they live in the mid-night oil burning stress other than me?

  1. Some Greek yogurt, some washed blue berry?
  2. Some cereal, some milk warm up, some honey, some raisin dry fruits, red berry, yellow berry, the dry items. You take out and put in the plate?
  3. Some Mac n Cheese (Irish is more white), some bread cut and toast, with some light creme, a very simple triangle cut.
  4. Some potato mesh, or the baked potato that is a whole one, you put some broccoli in it with the sour creme, with some chedder cheese, some green onion.
  5. Some brussels sprout from the farmer's market, you have to take out the outside one by one by one, and cut in half, if you just boil them, or salt them baked them, that is one full tray? You imagine people can not look at that thing...I eat that.
  6. Some salad mix, with the ciabatta bread those, not the toast. Some baked ham, they are busy, you just get going 30 mins, they are all inside the oven for 20-25 mins, you get ready in 5 mins. ~ they do late night, I go to sleep. 
  7. Some miso soup, that is the quickest....
  8. Some clear soup with the potato, maybe they just need to keep seeing the potato they feel fine. In the afternoon you can do the whole things. The celery, the carrot oil fried inside those very heavy red metal iron pot, then chicken broth to that potato or the butter, some herbs....I think they use the beans. I don't grew up those soup, that is Italian Europe they eat those soup. 
  9. I drink the water. Its 9 oclock.
  10. Nick used to eat anything with the potato, like those Indian fried round spicy one....but I never make that, he just swallow those fried pancake mixture carrots or zucchini. So...I actually don't eat the potato, I ever told you? So I can make as much, they have to go and swallow all of that bags come from because you cannot keep those bags too long, he buys the whole bag.
  11. I personally don't think the potato is a food. 

If I live by myself?

I prepare those seasonal food. Usually you know the seasonal food like the pumpkin you prepare in the fall season. Loving Hut sell those soup base, I can just synthesize those soup base and freeze it. 

In America, you also have those butter squash in the supermarket. You use those stainless almost like the food factory, its a rectangle square 3D container, you usually seeing that in the subway, you seeing those things contain in it, but you can just get one of those giant container, you go somewhere to ask someone to cut the entire big pumpkin for you. The local grown. They have a lot of those local harvest.

Its a synthesize the soup base. You buy in the Loving Hut is very expensive and my mother separate them small tiny pocket to imagine a hot pot? A small tiny those plastic very small coin bags. That is her soup base? You can have the big plastic zip bag as the whole soup cremey. 

Shane they are, I am not sure they eat the pumpkin soup. Its...probably not convivence to make that, I am not even sure where this recipe comes from. The French is the French soup or those ratatouille . 

Its the autumn food color.

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