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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


💝 I would say, you secure something inside your grown up life, soon your parents getting too old, you let your younger sibling to take over....all their attention. 💝

One time I did say, you need to secure your own program, other than these UB Honor Class inside the MD or the Pharm D program. Those are the hopeless, but those are a road ahead of them.

If you understand your own life priority, then your parents is getting too old. So a lot of these things they go and get mad with the rest of the sibling, I moving my court room in that small space, again its just me and the Judge or the book keepers, that is 2 separate world, and if someone coming along that side, I shift my reality into that a little bit more when my finance is a lot more solid. Sometimes I update to my parents, or still a lot more near the parents to help them cope these sibling.

They do care, just how much they are getting too old, when that doze off or not argumentative without you, its the rest of the sibling in it, without you.

The UB Honor Class its a little bit different from the UB SA club activities

Meaning these MD, its my personal world what it used to be in UB. They may or may not shifting too well inside the graduate school program, but that was a past, so these 7 years or 10 years gone, they already know my attitude on the facebook 16 years ago, not to say 10 years ago or this year, not just 3 years ago. They already know my attitude is like that.

The honor class just means we lab together, or study together.

No they are the same hostile like any of you. Right. They don't want to deliver things, we keep going on this they feel their nerves on pain. I never bulge 10 years ago, they didn't think it will ever change. That is only between me and them, in this common language at this professional degree shape up or talk about. 

You on the other hand, its a totally different world than these I gang up my own power, they will kneel and listen per word inject inside their own life including their parents program whether it is or it is not. 

Your life pace is a lot more get going, so those things you go and collecting them what you wish to go near, I don't care about this Sailor Moon, I make that very straight to them. Their parents will die, or already dead with the brain doze off. They just didn't realize them or their own parents groups. How long its their sibling get on them or get on with you.

No, I only give them those stupid little things to do until that 7 months, everyone took a break, I am always on the break, away from these games a bit....Some people quit on the studying. 

I used to know them, I already say that.

How I deal with that, their parents entire time never imagine they will be anything anymore useful, that is the way they are. That is just the way it is. 

They have this 2.5 weekend (right just 2 weekends now) + Lawsuit 777, about 5 to 7 months they saying they get the last few posts, whatever I written them.

They can just /  off that 2.5 if they use this sheet. See, one last thing gone. In 7 months, there is no more instruction in life to get on life a bit all on their own. 

They are the type their heart be jumping, and they cannot handle the rest of the works in any day, in any year, they will never be avenger at all, that is whom they are, what can you do, their parents knowing that. You all on their other than, is not the Pharm D, or the MD program, any bigger plan on dating history soon to be, too big of the steak or too big of the sauce, I have no idea whom else have the brothers....these family union to whom between the sibling argues, my family is one of those I walk away to my own court room, because none of them have anything to do with what I write, I can only be one person standing there. 

If they finish their 2 more weekends, its the brand new table they got a plastic wrap like the dollar store or Home Depot, to re-stock their book, one Lawsuit 777 for 5-7 months, they might even get on a date, was I saying that...whatever I say. I have no idea what I wrote about that last time, its in the lawsuit I say imagine you have to live in that one state, anything keep moving, open your mouth telling someone, its not keep moving, you are permanently staying there, just shut up, and be that one state. Isn't that what I saying in those language?

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