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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Terri thinks she is the Iron Man

I think she believes she is the Iron Man

The glasses or plastic transparent square box inside a big teddy bear. That is so psycho. A bomb!

All Lords (all Lords of OU)  Fon Faz     F-O-N-F-A-Z

Angels                                 ge                G like God E like England

Ocean 11 that Terry, but her name might be Terri. The giant church fatty women sitting right next by me, looks like Amy in Pitch Perfect but she is a black hair. 

Sound ge G-E

(divine sound)

We, like you and I  "gep" G like God

wonderful, you are wonderful

foku f-o-k-u

Maybe she thinks she is Jesus. I am telling you, the human so stupid....

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