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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Harry Potter -Arskaban's prisoner

Its on. 

She thinks she is? They were in the train hallway.....A singing choir. A psycho act of that that that that that..... Dorm, fat lady, political extremists.  I just eating nuts = those beans, the birds sound earlier, so I went to eat. Now I am eating the chinese water pears. The prophecy of this thin old lady.

You all went to see the facebook, its the Christmas dance, on the left, right next by me. Black curls hair. 

I have no signature. Right, I stay close here.

My parents, Tesla hates the fat women.

The black sky thunder cloud scene...I need to shut it off. This is 7? I went to bed when yesterday its this morning 1. I think I need to lay near 帝君 next by a bit.

I need you all whomever called Taiwan, my weight, that. page 394.

I ate the nuts, the fruits, and the wonton with sesame seed, I told my mother next time tell that person not to add it. If I below that line, as Taiwan will tell you, it was 69.45

The line suppose to be 65 kg from 69 Kg, ...I know, just do what I tell you write as that. Today is 69.50 kg, I need to stay a few day, I am not feeling all that well.

Don't insert one second in anything of "ANYTHING represent the darkness." REALLY. That would be those I say about the 5 Lords Review included, I think in that painting longer hair those. Not even the uniform that. No, I do not have thought, I can move away my attention, none of you have anything background. Not in any discipline inside your life, you can do anything in life.

If you dwell by the movie and you done on purpose, you might enter a state of the mind that gone crazy or being possessed when you.....random go and meditate without a guide, or a teacher, that is what told to you. I already stop all that myself.

You make money for your living.

Inside this movie, you have so many faces, but none of you can be gathered for this movie for saying you staying stable, you think how all those looking to anyone? That is not a place to stay.

Being virtuous is your God's decree. That supposes to be your only tradition, because you are from the Earth, no matter which Eon, or Kalpha if you are leaving, you cannot take outside because they given you all those formality of the money trumpet big, you lose your own principle of being whom that God endow you because your mind is so easy to be influenced, you can come back to the Earth a very very bad attitude. You can tell me MB any above or below God are the only model of the Corperation sleek, that is their own style, their personality, their Godly right to be exactly all that. But you are coming from Earth.

If you going out, because we cannot tell what this movie to where going about, that wise console were given to you were that very book or the Sunday lecture when you gone to the church. Money is everything, and Zawanna make sure you all be dead, so I won't suffer included, but that is not the human intend that life you saying what not things in itself very life. 

So are to the animal, so to the Earth the coinhabitant. All that will influenced your mind, you will take a side, and those side you meant you sleek without your own personality anymore, or you keep pushing yourself with what they demand you, you are from Earth, there is nothing shameful for being from the Earthling, or I stay here because I can just brag at that American military or trigger them or the police or anyone China included, it could be frustration, it could be not going out. It could be just don't bother thinking outside what deal, not the military action, just stay home be with your own parents, and cherish that very things make it the City life on the career choice. 

If you are taken out, because none of us gonna know, any part of this movie says.

The mind, its by the instrument, per second. Anything trigger your anger, its one flip up your thought going all the way to the top of your head, your feeling internal stomach going up to your throat, a such "rage", or "ANGER", not angry only. Upset = up or down, you can exaliterating UP or DOWN, because someone saying a word at you, or that mood just very moody .....

People with the correct spirituality practice even Dr. Steven Hairfield, I don't know if he was one of those prisoner neither, people whom has to restrain inside, will tell you its per degree discipline. We Earth didn't start with everything comfy, none of you need to becoming that Prince Harry, not those attitude, you saying the money makes you relax, let's pretend one second those attitude of the air he breaths on his nose.

Not any of that. 

You are from Earth, you can keep some tradition or the goodness of the Earth stays as that you believing it the culture. It could be in any one of those tradition.

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