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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Shane is the Queen of my Heart.

The gifts !!!!

Lasagna, here

Whom is most handsome, Shane. Here

Justin Timberlake, NSYNC here.

Japan ~~~~!!! Here

Every guy's groups is important to them, their friends.

Written in the Stars


Same to some friends you used to know from UB, or UK.


The Da Vinci Code Ending, here.

Sometimes things are like that.

When the time divide in 2014, I also seeing things in the dark that time it was a community separate from the main place, that time I wasn't register anything about anyone, other than my head. Meaning you seeing things in the darkness. At night.

You all just imagine life to see the scene inside the TV for a living. Sometimes you have to watch yourself, because you yourself is the life. You won't be thinking that for your parents, or another guy's life, whether old or young, really. Meaning as a girl, no matter how low that salary means to you, even it is a female professor to start even in Zawanna's world, you steady to make one home first, because most people cannot have that energetic kept going to do things, sometimes its your appearance, sometimes its your personality, sometimes its your voice, or how you approach any real estate, you are unsure anything you ask, you know, or you inquire about. All that was a part of someone else's life.

You imagine an eternity with them, that money statues, will never go there to compete and compared, you literally meant it, the life is not you staring on the money, its to go to ANY guy, here on Earth, or imagine which Zawanna, the Zombie? To imagine the money for each other or compete and compare to ruin any of them life?

You will tell me if you arrive there, none of you will ever be a female professor or starting anything small even the kingdom garden teacher you will rise up in that eternity time where you think you will be. 

You have a habit

  • Life has to be sad
  • The guys cannot eat an extra spoon, "I am hungry"
  • Why is your mood is bad, and my mood is pretending the comic book?
  • You mean you want the guys to figure it out why you have a bad mood?
  • To chase behind you?
  • You mean they done on purpose to guessing my mood inside their lyrics?
  • How smart I ever becoming.... the TV, the movie...or that Vartan looks like it was...Voka! 
  • So about the right time, you scream, "uh ~~~~~~~"
  • You don't just go and take things personally ! 

I am the orbiting ....Star.

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