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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Sex 2 - I hope when the program already saying MD, not the priest....

You don't go and saying they don't get other female or male doctors other than you talking about this 13 years later. 13-15 years later, that is really really really psycho to me, I am telling you.

End Game (Infinity War)

The Thor's story looks horrible. 

That guy is a thief? In his own vault or? I see. Do you want to talk to some priest or the medical doctor that is trustworthy, anything about? Really this life and death matter and you are not prepared, as some of that might be a family man, or a relationship man was, is, future-will-be? These otters have some kinds of the eyes inside their doing ....I am sure.

  • Have you thought of a fear to the unknown, such as in your life, you tell me about your life, that confrontation of the fear, to jump a cliff or bouncing on the trebillin, any of this example? 
  • What is a possible outting let's say getting nervous at the heart, or at the life-death matter event if things get worse, such as something completely unimaginable. 
  • You rather go home, and never do those jobs? No, not trebillion, but let's say breathing in a long hour dark flight, one of those nightmare, do you have those waking up from a dream, and you wonder if that is a night story, and next day I surround myself with some people all around.
  • Whom do you usually surround these friends of yours?
  • Whom you sure its trust worthy.
  • I used to see this one mental guy at this Superman audition, and he says he got 2 therapist, what is the difference between that and some other known professional people?
  • Do you know anything about the physical therapy or the chiropractor. 
  • Have you got your pawn miraclely sting a needle in front of your face? whichever the muscle layers are the thickest, the palm up, I looking at my palm.
  • Which question do you think it relax people's mind and soul and body like an ice breaker?
  • You ever write your speech that kind, how do you plan a simple 10 mins talk? In front or after someone? You ever feeling you listening to them or get you not nervous?
  • How so? Do you know them personally, meaning compare?
  • You think the people in the audience, they will really listen at their seat, or they dozz off?

I see. The weather forecast ! 

Senior's Bush's body guard near the car, the driver = looks like UB Bill (X Man, that main tall guy military, the head hurts)

Stone, the liver stones, not those girls gambling at the Judge a real Sailor Moon at the collection of the stones. I actually know that story of the 4 kings very very well, because, it was the earlier works, at the comic book included. Not really the black and white. 

The MD does you all a job on the liver flush, this TV, crossing inside your mind, I think losing weight on the fitness is good. Keep the fitness, and gradually to make all that right. No, you talk to the Judge, or the MD, that is not a main stream practice in the daily household.

That is how my Pinterest disappear? 

People keep their own happy life, inside their own character how to face the challenges. 

I see. This is the final show down, the very last war toward the end.

You all involved inside this movie, or the TV, if you are not doing anything wrong, for saying continue to evolve, it will come to a time you will turn a lot more positive and self motivate in life. Not being told, not sabotage, not being saying you have a file behind that you starting something new.

You hear what I say?

No, I didn't say or judge you whether you are hoping you have a lot better the position to be seen in any of this, I am just telling you - it will come to a time, and that future if you turn more "a turn", including right now all these personal assistant, the family, the relative, all that Home Alone final story, comes to what you want in life. That life, that evolution, may not be right now you saying you done a mistake, or you being spot your character not perfect. 

Under God, that is not so being Judged because this movie hurting a lot of people including to you. But it will come to a time, that your entire life might just start something new. You may not thinking its in this life, what you gonna do?

Pretend not starting at this life? 

What happened, when you have "A turn", a better life, a better tone, a better seeing the public life included, you mean your self-confident what is in front of you face a task, or half population including your dearest to you 1) your own perfect friends 2) your God, 3) Your religion 4) your statue, 5) Your sphere where you belong, that can shape you per yearly.

So you will have a philosophical question when the times come, because ET may not present at the court room.

Just a philosophical question, not a real life scene, relax?

What happen, the time junction you will have "a turn", the whole humanity gonna look at you different, be happy, be more resourceful, be confident to deal with the problem, a better health, a better outlook, a better waking up each morning, you have a more get going to see life, appreciate life, a confident tones, or a more comfertable material life.

Tell me, what you gonna do, when you have that One Turn?

You know you are negative right now, you know you are not up to that personality, or you will say you have the flaws, by that time a Turn, you will go alone with the Liver Stone flush that Evolution be home, be hygenic, be known you washing your hands like the doctors in the deep sink you install inside your own home?

You know what is the deep sink, at your own home, you move your washer or your dryer, feeling very out of the breath, but you keep fit, you keep the muscle, you keep something in that evolution.

You are not out of the movies yet, you know that.


Some people home has this a very big sink, Nick's mother made him a hand made soap, you want to know which age he was, how old was his mother, her never uses that soap, its a brown yellow, not shining. Like that Natashi die in the cliff down. 

The acquire stones its a shining gold stone.

Like a sink you can put your floor mat, or your shoe in even, to ruin, or the bleach the leather jacket. You are seeing everyone judging you inside a movie. Right....okay, stare at the right things, you are or you are not out of the movies yet? You know that strength of your whole hand to move a sink, its right inside your own home, a washer, or a dryer, or you have that kind of the sink. 

Can I blend a home made soup, home made? 

The court room can ask me to demonstrate in the lab everyone having one of that soap seen how that is blend and made, correct. But that is very very corrupted at your own hand, I think. The soap is very very alkaline.

What do you mean corrupted? If you open your baking soda right now, touch it that dry, already its not good to leave any skin surface more than a few second, wash it. Because you normally believe...its the solution that will hurt you, corrupt you, or corrosion you. Its the dry powder like that box, its already can as the dry powder, you learn some chemistry, just never on the dry powder.

You want to try that, and see if you can breath again on these movies? A positive outlook in life, a positive personality? No matter how junks all people are never end all around you?

No, it will not exploded, you just keep washing, rinsing off. Its manufacture side allowable. Just not recommend to keep on your skin, that's all. That is not an acid. 

No, that is a fire extinguisher idea. 

When sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is heated by the fire it becomes sodium carbonate. During this process water and carbon dioxide is released. The carbon dioxide starves the fire of oxygen smothering the fire and the water that is released cools the heat source.

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