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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Roman - they used to be this East Roman Empire, that division to West Roman Empire

When you discuss about Europe back in time, there is a lot of the custom to their clothing fashion, they were. The clothing ware including the idea of the knight. 

So long after you have this Da Vinci, but before that, there were some other history, how the printing press coming to, but the Riches already own something in writing similar to how Ancient China they had some other ways how to documenting something with the parchment or later the ink or the paper, all that entire history, to say, later the Europe has the castle and farming system tie together...that will be so much so much later on.

Almost immediately after that Renaissance soon enough its the steam engine, those kinds of the machinery. Da Vinci was known for something else, but they have some other doom maker of the church or the more sleek of the "Doom making technology", I have heard, you saying the contemporary builder, or anything other than that period of time, you have some other things being vigirous participate in that norm of South Europe all around there to North.

Cannel. The water passenger of the higher ground how the ship going up from the lower tide to up the river steam ground. Da Vinci was not the only person building that Milan city on an idea. You have that going for before already, that will be one of the biggest projects for someone they built a cannel.


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