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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


我知道以色列在哪 ! 那是在沙漠的音樂節不是祭典 ..喔~ 被抓走的是什麼? 喔~

I know where is Iseral, and Gaza, sorry, down...down, down, that entire map because when you describe a passenger Gaza strips, I will momentarily believing something else horizontal.

Syria next by, Indian has 2 side, not 2 wings...how amazing...there was a Gulf War, and Saubi Arabia.... I actually know how to draw map, other than the Greek, because Turkey and Greek, its a little bit how I used to when I was younger to remember only Turkey....Greek is next by that water region Italy...imagine Slovenia and that whichever music piece 狂想曲

Right, all those nations, I cannot draw by the memory, you need to give me a map, the memory can only get to Turkey, the edge line, because when you have a Earth Rotate up to Russia, they used to have a name White Russia, there was 3 nations, or 3 another small tiny country, not Poland those....how amazing I know all that about that side of the world.

No, they like the music too. Normally they go underground.

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