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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


No, I don't know.

  • I have never read a book in America, because the UK history class, I drop it.
  • I cannot read the names or anything in that ....we never taught one American history, although it was only 200 years. 

The ancient Chinese is almost near the ancient Chinese history. When I get to the court, I can ask the Judge, but that is so long after, I have to sit there and think or go home and think. That time my listening in English wasn't very good. Too many words or the name I am not familiar. 

George Washington.

Jeffery, heard about

half chair, Federal Reserved, I know, he is 3 time President, the War? Eisenhoward, his grand daughter near by Inelia Benz. Clinton, Senior Bush, Junior Bush (his wife), Obama (first lady), Trump, Biden (Joe)

Like "pursue of the happiness", in my lawsuit? Tamang makes me to memory all that paragraph, remember? The declaration of the independence. In Friend, Chandler at the lake scene.

You are all looking....very perfect to me, that means which books do you swift and flip? Open and close? The library forbidden forest? 

  • If you reading them, do you remember that? 
  • Like the words inside which books you select your reading, is that academia credits?
  • Why you have the library service to cite the credible source? 
  • oh ....this is not your UB English class or the library introduction, I have none?
  • I had the UK English writing class, 2 of them.
  • There is a hand out. My grammar probably all wrong, but the theme its only 4 paragraph looks right, probably

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