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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


No Chinese written words - High usury interest mother on Square's TV

Doing it on purpose. The video cannot be waited....its on the Line App. She is threatening people.....

Two live video on her:

194 Pixie + 194 Military you write

The being called the doctors are the elders, with the age and some practice in the world, except that anyone in UB, not even the Linkedin. Lee will get stressful, and those around him will see him, and which Linkedin message he receive the most. I hardly message either one of them.

None of them getting notice, other than the Facebook. They will not written that right in the last 3 days.

So here, you all write:  194 Pixie + 194 Military you write

She may not remember one person in life. 1 person. I am the only person in this space 24 hours a day 7 days a week for 7 years.

The bird outside say: Your mother in Chinese ( 你媽媽)

You write as the follow:

"Through the observation of the program, they do on purpose to mis-diagnose, we are the 194-5 countries that doesn't know their inline situation, not American, for sure never gonna be the Taiwan without the UN Seat. It is heard they doing that in Canada, but that is just one person, and UB medical they screw up that person because the student format panic. She, the 194 commander-in-chef 2014 were limited to one person killed record everywhere Obama, to today Biden let go Obama, because she withdraw all the medical profession service, they went back to America to stare at one Obama, Biden at the current is the Power, and remote all that situation. He has that kind of the brain. 

However, these program will ongoing next 40 years til they becoming the MD. It is fix, it will forever never be remove, not even that location, so the commander from Afriganstan commander didn't need to return to Afriganstan, they think they coming it down. Its false. They are all set in their permanent location.

She my mother is planning to hurt me, and that Nicky Byrne planning to hurt me in Taiwan as well, all at Sweet Nov, because of the OU without the notice that time is on the painting, these 3 ladies near that Trinity. 

They are too glorify to that Tamang, because they think he got the background. No he is from the Titanic that poor boy, no money, high ceiling debts, and gun man, one lifetime their jobs its every day often to witness his every photo frame to write it off exactly like that Michelle Obama, but none of them willing. Karen's mother looks like Dr. Chamberl, both have the issue. Both all have, or Karen's mother does on purpose. She is guessing it. But Dr. Chambler is a lot a lot a lot of issue, its hurting here forevermore. 

She looks like the gf of that APO Fat Asain advicer's gf, they are all very very fat, except Evan and Kim and me. So you can read all loud that story, Kail is very fat Asian in there. 

Kim - Me - Kail is one line straight down, The first is Albany sexual harassement AOL guy. Its governmental, everyone saw he brought the wife and the baby to the dining table. I left. " 

As the Pixie wrote other than that, because you all need to be the gossip format.

"We heard many things, its very strange video or the photo, someone physchologically hurting her 7 longs years, and UB they do on purpose, making her feels, but she guessing it, or she knowing it."

(Correct I know it)

"She says it  the correct MD job, we don't really know what is the correct MD job, like string on Tamang to their confident including the Westlife."


"Isn't that ilegal?"


"No, we cannot understand every word she says, she is saying that in the middle of the Ocean?! No, we check the map, its next by the China, but it feels like."

"Sorry, she means that the American medical board wish the business money spent on them like Hailey's dad high debts, or behind Taiwan hospital passing to the next video when Adam shows up ligation. We observe that, she says the first sentence." 

"We telepathy her with a ?"

"She says....its the business doesn't going in the Taiwan try out to begin the entire SA goes in near Westlife, or American SA. They probably gone to Japan for the China faces. Anna told them in Taipei capital that high tech hospital. Its 902 eye doctor pronounce her full blind."

"We sent in people, sorry, one of them got told. The report we attached."

"No, we trying to understand, its not our bill, we are the border line, we have the medical cover here."

"No, she never comment that to tell them to go to Taiwan hospital, but Adam they were youtuber to sit there with the dad. Even the MD dad gone there."

"We gonna kill them, if they bill behind, such as we pays 1000x on one Peytone's feet. Amputate even."

Here is what our personal thought. 

"If .....this is werid."

"No, we mean that feet is at MD, and he is not willing or willing?"

"So if TW or US.....?"

"Its funny name."

"We leave all the records here funny says."

"We don't know why she helps us intention, but this is really really really strange if she keeps written this. This is everyone does behind?"

"Whom shall we hired? Low IQ?"

(Starting it all over again)

"We telepathy her the 5th time, you mean the American medical board is on purpose to hurt her?"

"Here is Anna wrote:

The real MD cannot take people's stuffs, they go to jail like the real lawyer such as that 2 lawyer in senior living under Erin's case. Mrs Patterson, the same name as the Vince Patterson in Loving the Silent Tear, the number 1 producer or director, whom creates that shows near the Reptilian somewhat classify nature.

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