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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Movie Thor 3 and Truman Show, its on the TV now.

oh ~ So Loki dead in the Thor 2? And Thor keep raising his hammer up like Thor 3 !!

And this best friend boldy, is he one of those Red River Manga, whom's dad? One of the Kail's previous girlfriend whom has a boy, her dad? The Upper House or the Upper Chamber of Common's Chef? 眾議院的元老? What is that? The ancient words.

Maybe they both Prince supposes to know how to talk to Loki, their own very dad.

Movie: The Burnt Chef, him and the Traveler's wife movie.

飛越情海 Aloha (2015)

Bradley Cooper.  oh ~~~ reading the husband letter. 

I can never be with a guy, if not the pheonix from the sky descend, or the birds landing in front of the windows, or this parrots, I am telling you....everything descend, you depends, when I will faint it down on the ground with all of this. Everywhere, every door I open, every street I walk on.....did I say I live indoor?

Every other things included. Never mind...

uh ~~ that is wonderful. They never listen a word I say. 

I am not that girly, really.


I think eating out sometimes is nice.


I don't really love the animal that much, but I don't seem to....cooking these. I have too many handicap morality issue. I am home bound I guess I eating home, indoor. Not going out.


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