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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Movie: Rocket Science (2007)

He, one of them looks like sitting there at the wall....

The Enemy Within ( 1986 )

My mother watched this, strange...she says she remembers all this story. She told me the Terminator Salvation - the Future begins. She says.....the story plot in Chinese, those are in English.

When she feels like to remember ....

The black military...

"The Slam Dunk access denial"  and next frame? The president?

That is the long time ago movie, I seen that guy before, with the grey white hair.

  • The black boy say to the dad, how it feels the stealing, she told him what....and "How am I doing?"
  • "You are about to exit the field." (The dad - the black military)

Are they trying to inject the correct English for the education process, what you would be talking like a civilized general to the president office - the noble office?

You know ....how they binocular a job, you don't decompose every rock builiding with the camera, its only one security indoor staring at the small tiny monitor? Right?

oh ~

This is not the rocket science, its the AI surveillance every inches grass, and the plant they volunteer....with the birds cannot shut up, its per space count if without the other physical presence them.

Those data, you mean someone hide away you don't have any sensation = if you enter any home, that doesn't have any survillience inside, you are on your own. You need to tell the police every small tiny things, because they cannot see inside your home, or anywhere you say you go outside the boundary, no one will follow you, no one will chase you.

You need to open your mouth and the camera to show the police or someone, all the time I am on the internet, this is not ET gonna help me or anyone else. I can sense its AI, true. But the human them will never know.

My world is the full of the Universe I am the spot light, but on Earth, you need to living like the Earthly, do you feel anything? You need to be honest, your sensation?  Meaning there is no one putting any camera indoor, or outdoor, or the wood, or the trees, like everyone staring at you. No one can see if you don't camera film, show, listen to, talk with your voice, meaning those camera is not station.

My birds are, not you all are.

If you feeling you have some sensation someone is watching you, ITS NOT the Earth anyone, if you don't tell, if you don't show, if you don't putting some surveillance company all around, with the money paid, the human world of the Earth is not good. 

You need to tell every small tiny things, someone hurting you in front of your face, when you all getting near, your church, your what. You have to say the words out, this is exactly what you hear.

I don't put any human near me, not right now. Its a monitor, there is URL, but those are seen by everyone, not closure in-room, anywhere, any place, you thought someone will treat you nice, you open your mouth and talk !!!

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