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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Movie: Ocean 12

You mean the UB my facebook? I don't remember if Justin were on my facebook ...but let's say I imagine you all trying to communicate to each other between the taller guys, I personally will tell you none of you will get along to each other such as that Jonas and Justin were right across each other the Analytical Lab. You didn't really know each other ( I don't think you phone each other).

It may not be the movie, some guys they just seeing that person standing there, they hate each other look, or seeing, or talk, or the attitude. I can tell you that, but since their height so tall, and VERY well their height staring at each other its only by the height, I really only care about my own happy world.....

Inside your eyes = from your behind the eye ball looking out, you have a life you communicate or forward your life plan. I know.  Everyone is all in a different direction. I never comment a lot of things on the taller guys. I say more on the girls say, I taken the girls they panic, or feel a lot more hopeless. Not I ever like any of this talking.

Did you write an A4 sheet, horizontal cut in half. A pen draw

2014 (left, leave empty) just the name

2020 on (right)
Just the name, each below write a clear, good calligraphy to read, per feeling, I don't care its the guy or the girls or the women or the children or the teenager.
Write your own personal feeling.
If your career is stable

Meaning the money, the Linkedin connection, the job title as the taller guys.

I would suggest that a lot more you are the way you are. The girls I think they need their parents.
The girls lost in their life all the time a lot more often. The detergent for the washing machine. 

The guys might smoke too !

Ocean 12, none of you will get along in any talking. 

I think all this movies when you saying the entire Hollywood to generate a commercial worlds, from the citizen whom all have to work up itself the finance...

You inject the humanity some very big money concept, because you live on the interests for the rest of your life, or you invest somewhere to continue both your lifestyle to make a business after and sustain that lifestyle and be happy.

They inject a movie sense 1) some we never think the money numbers. 

No, you all don't think or imagine anything of that. You don't think Silicon Valley anything as our world here only think about the Silicon Valley jobs, or the IT, like Hank.

Do you even believe inside your own Wall Street? You have to have one super big job getting it down, to say for the rest of your life lives on the interests, not like that? How do you imagine your life, forget me this trespassing anything my head, this per image, I validate enough the life evidence from the screen and the logic, so I start to tell the public some seeing.

Its not everything because the police might just finish all that on their own term, and I told you, its per second my body validate per things, but it hurts me greatly, a lot a lot a lot of unsaid thing. Its just the hell of the worse when I realize what that case is with one Dean.

oh my God, I screaming never end. One Karen, one Adria on the moon with that Dean, 3 people jump the bridge and Japanese capsule human if he is not in the MD program landing at Good WIll Hunting. This is so so so so so bad.

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