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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Most APO is older than me. UB they were the classmate, just like I told you people give up the program.

So I don't really know. People has to work on them, you can work right where the maps says slowly. I didn't do everything in one day. They have their own trial time. 

Everyone has their own attitude, but you saying a lot of the step to input, Mormom is doing their own thing I never asking them what they doing anything or inquisitive anything inside their mind, outside their space, right on their per facial muscle moves.

But these UB some guys, we used to know each other, they get used to this flashy of the UB facebook as long as 20 years ago. Yeah...no one is to be that posting everywhere on the facebook other than me I think. They are very used to. When people getting near this social media in responding or work onto those interface, you thought everyone catch up that, that is not true. 

That is why those their girls whom wish to control their own facebook, not sure told or not told....they are not doing that on their own facebook. How do you have the next 16 years if not saying next 20 years?! 

If someone just gone to this e-harmony site, for imagining....whatever, that is every photo, only the head collar bone up. You cannot see anything between that line down. Your chest is below these collar bone.

What? You go to hell with your thoughts, tears inside your eyes, imature language, curses words, some people's destiny didn't evolve to know.

At all. I can tell you that when their hell time will go down. You are told, but you haven't get to where you lose your job, and you will lose your fat when you becoming the super giant. Its here in our Taipei Station, I pass by, and seen it. Its so thin like the bone. Almost dead on the floor sleeping up down.

The leadership has to talk, so I was in 2014.

I saw the TV for the first time. I have to stay on. 

Right, my brother is the Sariputra. 

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