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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I remember now, we were talking about all your recipe.

When I am inside my head in so many different worlds.  1) the phone, 2) the bathroom 3) the balcony 4) the plants about to die, 5) birds, or otter 6) my pillow or the wall.... 7) someone in hell....

You saying the cooking recipes right? The group meals, all my Youtube are nothing but the food, how can I ever not thinking something about your culinary art.

Like this morning I written those 


The guys = not the real army, but prepare their life routine meals to graduate from the MD school. Meaning you don't need to exercise, spending time in the gym, but you prepare things inside your home, to safe time. You make that schedule simple, you can read, and study, and relax all things indoor, because sometimes you will feel very very very lazy, when you are indoor too long. You don't feel like to get going to do things.

The laundry, or the shopping for the food.

So the light meal such as: the cucumber, or the fine slice of shredded carrots, or washed salad from the container (The big container, in Canada they sell that.)

You don't get too hungry at the last min. With the can, sometimes you find the chickpeas or beets, you wash, and rinse them. Its like a lab procedure, you keep rinsing, you keep washing and you prepare early. Some of the mayo, its already you putting things inside your mouth, its not a completely void your stomach has nothing in it. 

You putting a routine inside your life, and you make a habit

In that routine you feel a lot more supported if someone is near, but you need your time alone all these medical school. Not to disturb you. You gradually move back your pace to a lot more similar to the real program people, you understand you comprehend that book with a sharper intelligent, you don't waste your life while other people is a lot more outstanding. 

APO is too fat, even CAC Ayo is also fat

When you in that much of the fat, you got a very very bad attitude and the mood.

Today is the elimination day, you have 4 guys, how many girls if they are still studying, getting up from the assembly and leave. You have 100 UB people. Some girls if they don't continue to study, they mean that is a job like the medical technician. Give them sometimes to think through, 1 week pass, 2 weeks pass, 3 weeks make those air more breathing, the guys sleeps properly for at least 2 weeks.

When the fat is too giant, you have a habit never losing it starting 20 years ago, that was in APO. Some guys running that tread mill for about 7 months, if you cannot running, you can walk on it. You need to get to the habits to where we used to met, that is 20 pounds, then another 20 pounds. You help yourself, you help your parents.

Sometimes at a certain age, you got scared, so even if you running or just out of the control diet once or twice, you lose all your motivation to keep going. That routine stopped.

Walking even inside your own home, walking or stretching, or none stop moving your 4 limbs, so you could stop and move your vertical side of your lower body, squat, or get up , or twirls.


Saying some people using 30 mins per day, prepare something in the kitchen, like waiting the salted brocolli or the kale and moving moving moving, that is without going out, without a gym membership. You using that time frame, you can shower, you can sleep, you can do your bedding.

When you feeling to go out, then you go out on the weekend.

The American air is wide space, so even open your door, and breath in breath out, and learning some of this Dr. Christopher muculess diet, you can ask your parents to try, and that is a small tiny book easy to acquire. You don't want to spend some extra money, and driving all that. 

You want to build up something in your life, and these MD by one month, another 3 months pass by, you focus on this is just be told like an assignment how to set up their life, and yours? Those states are foreign to them, its not home, but what if they bring their parents near by any target neighborhood or location included? Then they have to take care of their daily routine, and feeling welcome that is what they want, or you know, everyone seeing the youth coming up, they are aging too, they are not scared, or you are not scared?

You should be worried about your weight, and how about your job sites people think of you?

So spending some time to plan, and keep walking, keep moving the 4 limbs. You using the breathing to bring up your metabolism. Some people they were so much older than I was, and your metabolism at this age, you need to lose a chulk of all the weight down, its best for you.

At home - you prepare some extra one meal, or the veggie bags

You need to simplify that life to the degree when you coming home, you have a lot of your space and time just belong to you. So while you moving 4 limbs, or standing, walking that 10 mins, you washing the vegetable in the sink, another 10 waving your body, stretching, and you waiting that pot to cook the pasta, or the green veggie to soften with the salt, keep rinsing rinsing rinsing, and carefully your cutting skilled, you prepare one container that is for that day, if you get to hungry, your mind is settle, there is a food inside the fridge.

We here have the 7-11 and its warmer too. 

The raw salad

or you know the smoothie recipe, the banana with some can peaches that is really really sweet? You like the sweet can those? No, you don't need to be so correct in life. You want the taste, you want to minimize your hunger, you got scared with the hunger response. 

With the mucusless diet

I boiled those American washed cabbage or the broccoli or the avocado. Each hour, I chew that stuffs, that time I don't eat that much the carrots. I am scared with the carrots. When I got back here in Taiwan, I feel like to just eat it down to lose all the weight down, so I start to buy the carrots. I used to never process that carrots that much. I don't like it. Meaning...

The time Dean heard that Eben stuffs, it was how many cut or peeling the cucumber skin or the carrots, I starting new. Because in America, I don't eat that super giant cucumber neither. We have the smaller cucumber here in Taiwan. That slice, that peeling, its the knife job you quiet your mind, you quiet your standing with your spine, with your feet, how long you keep your momentum on standing.

Each hour, you have something to chew inside your mouth, its all the raw things so you don't get the time to be too hungry at the very last min.

Mike, Tom and Tim, aren't they like one of my uncle that wrote the code book, hecker (VS) Nominji looking Bieber's which gf, Selena?

The youngest daughters = 有翡 that actor's mother. My mother's youngest sister. Meaning they know about the Silicon Valley, they know about this TSMC ?  You losing weight, you helping them losing weight, they know about this APO National, or the regional, or some other BBC documentary. It means they go there setting up and table and exchange the culture, what is an APO? 

Losing weight, and helping the guys to lose weight.

Every day you putting that feeling you start, you will start, and you will delicate that eating habit to some other attention. 

Ayo is really just the same office, right next by. Its you straight ahead staring at it.

You make the guy's mood better, talk more mature about this Sailor Moon things.  Face some reality what is in front of you. You helping them losing weight, make a plan, make a schedule, make a cooking simple, and a very routine life in that small space, if they rent, if they home with the parents. They set up a life routine, their mind don't get weary out, they are not used to see too many people, everyone needs a quiet time and staring at their own expense, and that job they keep thinking more sanely.

No, you don't stay in the UB that long, its the leadership because....

Well, because TSMC I was saying they have the orientation table at your APO National, your very few leadership be there. It won't be any of the girls or groups too giant to be there. You have the bigger people to go there and culturally exchange. You didn't strive to take on a women's leadership. Not even Ayo or Karen whichever this CAC is a club, that is not the APO. You got a job and you have to stay on that job, and be motivate to stay with the new direction inside your own very life. Take the weight out, get your mood better, and if you have the kids or married, that is your life.

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