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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Mahavatar Babaji

"Let that rejoice, be gathered at this all crowded event as we bring the blessing of the day such as today, the Sunday. And let that all be needed the food and the shelter line up, I have so much to give and so much to vent as today is the beginning of another day of the inquisition, never ends this I am telling you. " (tilting the eye glasses)

"As the metropolitan traffic rules stated, only the incoming traffic can only be admins...to report to B

While the remaining of those that coming for the gathering events or the football stadium all this Olympia too great of the accalade, its not so heart taken - I don't have a name on the map as if you are too blind you cannot see where you enter upon."

"All that be given, and ..this is where ..ALL that be sheltered, please this way.

All that entering upon the football stadium with my name, please this way.

Did I say the traffic is in 2 different direction but we are on the holiday, here? Never mind, to all that coming toward, and going away, you are in the 2 different lanes, anyway, you calculate the math, its on your toll booth. "

(saying saying saying to the next by personal)

"All that coming toward the front here, this is where you have the line up police and the shielding bow, this is where you have the boxes of line up goods be supply in the next 3 months winter time of the free giving. Its all under my name so I have the tax reason not you all worth to live after all that."

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