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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Last time, this things happened was Tina and Hank at watermarke Irvine. That 3310 mark. 趙又廷

You go to the roof and you will see.

It’s Haruka, Michiru and Pluto’s 3 Academia building with a giant crystal skull.

Yesterday here an area has no electricity and we don’t have the water, my mother went to fix, I always home? It’s the whole building and the basement that electric box had some lightening spark, she and that janitor store (The Day You Found Out) crew members are there checking- they are downstairs. They used the wife as a chef for 30 years long she is too old.

Tina and Hank every time when we move out NYC, if I am not inside the car, she and Hank with the baby has the gazillion things. One time Tina unplug Hank’s car key right on the middle of the highway. It’s very very psycho. If not lock the kid inside the car or cannot find Hank, she dress like a Taipei fashion in that supermarket in front of the Chinese and Hank is behind the parking lot. The house has the spiders (Frozen) and they are coming it down. No, not me seeing it, Pang and they seeing it.

No, she and Hank coming in to Assaults so I have to leave. Dr Bing Shen gone too. Nick too. 

I left the building from the center’s email. Sitting in the darkness. 

A lot of people will never ever seeing another guy ever again

Forever. If that’s something very very important to you. Not even the guys themselves. A lot of people don’t or will never have anything other than their jobs. Forever …I say that too many times. Too often. Most people keep their parents will sound to their mind settling, but if you are not home, your mind and soul just not stable enough.

Everyone will wish you well. Taiwan is just a small portion country, side. I understand. 

No one in America will wish you well, no one. 

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