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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Friends and accompany to you 朋友與夥伴對於你

You are forever not going to grow up. But my Pinterest disappeared …so.

你們永遠不會真的去長大. 但是我的 Pinterest 不見了 …所以.

Dream exchange game cell, Mb takes me out to banquet seeing ….仙女 exactly 3310 flying but maybe 酒肉將理, it’s takes me back to Hittite. He is Ramses.

Most military is not good people, very very bad. 帝君 says.

But Babaji will always be in the military, that’s what it is. 

Cared about the Little mermaid 2.

I think 鬼宿 is another guy. Copper and Conan these position 

You are not going to confronting you yourself this life already, not every life, not Lord’s every promises. Everyone intention has a real realistic values. When I started, all these were - I = one person.

One person wishing the sun will rise.

One day you will die, long enough you might reborn. 

The pitfall states means …

Gold, silver, bronze, iron …you understand?

The court on Earth at this moment understands you are far away home

Such as in Taiwan included …



You dying out everyday, the more you seeing you cannot return the US in time. It’s all false, but …you have that kinds of existence. People move into their life at anything you feel it’s a hope, but none of that are from the big city in America. Here is the race different, but it’s the capital. 

Inside the major city until you seeing the newspaper without the parents in America is exactly identical competition without your parents. Your local people will tell you it’s not you coming in to ruin everyone’s life intended. To grab or to keep, because it’s nothing there. You feeling you are the better one, to them they can see it’s not a thing you ever do or create.

The factory job you can just apply now and seeing your own age limit line.

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