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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I don't think....you had any literacy, to open your mouth, or to file anything.

The last 20 years pass and gone. You getting so mad, until your parent show up, I don't know when that happened, and you got so fat, so fat, SO FAT ~~~ to panting in front of them, when you sit down on your front house a bench with them or something, to drink a bottle of the water and your eye glasses. Your parents I don't know its....

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You lost your figure so badly, you are panting, and your waistline is hurting, you panting....really panting.

I right now is weak, not I am not watching myself how to going it down 10 pound, then 10 pound, then 10 pound.

You put a lot of the focus to eat, because 3 meals are instantly in a day schedule and you might live a very higher up latittude. Meaning you got nothing else to do but to stay inside, the warm air at. Some people life can get going run about, and the girls you have staring at the things you pine on at your own facebook.

When you get this giant fat, your facebook has the people to agree with you to join in?

You have a very very bad breath, you cannot possibly to imagine another guy. Your hygenic, might be your own physical alignment that frighten you such as the mode on your any part of the body. I have this funny things around me, so like my feet, I have to watch these or go to the clinic to clean them. 

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