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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


💝 I don't require to enter any field anymore, meaning upon you hearing, "I work from home online", as if one of those Silicon Valley you will never reach jobs. 💝

Its better you tie up your hair all the time. It might be worse than "I knowing it."

About....about a lot of things, after 40 years old. I told you when I was 15 years old ....I imagine Bill Gates those higher up profile people being successful. They didn't have any women when I grew up, but my own mother, she was 40 years old and having 3 kids. She was courteous all my 3 years having the lunch prepare, home washed the clothing. The bed, and the bed sheet. Never end.

I already say too many time, I took for grant for something. Meaning I didn't know how worsen things are outside. 

I am not sure this statement it means the boss, or the coordinator, one of those in the face card or the real director, or the boss. You try to keep a job, right....then if they are in my mode. Right, you are safe. My mode I never....find out.

You doing it on purpose.

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