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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Earth is none applicable, just forget both your MB. (Mahavatar Babaji)

I don’t even know if he is omnipresent that type other than the telepathy endow, what type of that.

Don’t do you a favor it pains him like my head bubble.

My part you go to Congress, I heard I had some small division at the Heaven or the Earth Plane not like him MB. Because …I am not like him. One of that is Sariputra’s mother. He needs me to place upon a very bad curses eternity on all of you.

You like those things?

I mean the money, because …I make my own living, not her. No, no jail. I know that. 

No, I am not required to meditate, no.  Her those things. Money, that, jail in jail out, buddy police friends all that. No.

If you imagine Congress, I don’t have a will anymore. A lot of things you don’t listen to me, your basic root tradition is not my tradition in money on money when you go out, it’s everything outside great too perfect or you need that one MB friends to play him or his all around. 

I live by myself or grown up enough to say adult.

It’s per penny. No personal liking or dislike, everything outfit or head decoration or necklace. You mean I personally is not her dwarf sickness living in the illusion world. 

It’s per dollar, per door open, per saying per degree account, per second I stand up til next second. You don’t understand I suffer because you all own that free will to sympathy. I cannot have a will. Not eating, not sleeping, not meditation, not any of your constitutional right and you gone to judge with your mouth opens to the eternity hell. 

This is the eternity saying. Forever.

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