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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Correct, if I gone to Ireland, and their Youtuber (they speaking in Irish I think)

Google take them away, or whomever the police including Ireland if they arrive. Sometimes you don't know the jurisdiction whom calling that, so they be prison in that country, probably in America.

The public media laws violation, to damage or to harm, and group gangs up on targeting the unlawful money transaction in the foriegn tax over that current land business occupied.

But none of this has anything to do with your resume, I suppose CV? 

If 194 countries becoming so skillful, I am telling you Ireland is right next by, France is right below their 100 years war, if my History and the photo image process its by that daily Youtuber world, I am telling you, how the reflection of one Simon Cowell, he meant he is not the history major, or he is not photogenic enough trying to change his career fast enough.

They go on the vocation country, that is another country. Europe has a culture they speaking more than 1 language the last time that Sammy or Martin from. Sorry, SMCH Menton.

She speaks French. I can just look at the photo, not the language. 

What happened to Japan, China, or Taiwan?

I think when we are over? + Washington D.C, doesn't know how long that will take!  The guys are still in the working mode. Ronan is on the tour too. You didn't see this morning Facebook. 

My family too giant big, I stay around for the aunt.

My mother is settling with her new job, so everything has to be on somewhat time, make it smooth? 

Is Taiwan Youtuber gonna be taken away?

They might. 

No, I can fly, just not right now. I am recuperating, and my mother and these birds...

The birds they have something going on too. The local here they need to communicate with these birds right, the ligation between them?

Correct, it has to be telepathy, but they are making the audible sound right now. If my mother right now hit my head, last 2 time, I call the birds in the telepathy, they say.

No, I didn't trust that, but I learning that the last 10 years, very painful process.

  • Babaji is on a business trip
  • Thor comes back, no more prison 3 days ago probably. 

They have some agenda, not this they all OU from the Top.

No, the classify they go behind and asking the ET, might be just right next by Dr. Steven Hairfield, the area 51. 

That is what everyone got told. The base or the underground somewhere. That is a dessert weather, near the North part of LA, or Arizona. Dr. Bing's wife took her kids and me there.  One time shopping mall.

Are they always process things as the classify materials?

Correct, but they understood your feeling got hurt. Right. You hurting you yourself timeline or everyone else you really think they are that important. To me that Davis is not important, not really. I told everyone, I write it right here. I won't care what he will become the future. We won't have a phone call about why he is ever important in this life, any life.

Say a little bit about myself

I grow up the school education all the time, we have the ancient Chinese or the philosophy, not really a cult meditation to cramp in the school, but I know all that. Right now I am big. We never have a royal culture. I never was Melinda, I never care one Royal idea, but I think its the Parliament runs things, same as the Congress, that will be PM and the American President. Therefore, I probably never imagine something will ever be real.

Sariputra Top, not really. You mean I end up hell the day I close my eyes, probably you mix up why I gone for that cult route, really. Someone dare one second. I cannot do that. Not in my system. 

The Ancient Chasez

The real person on the ground and the none applicable ancient Chasez ( or another one is the super deadly dreadful military clothing exactly the comic book drawn). That is 3 different people.

Probably there is an Ankeheseamen he really loved. A girl that kind of the hair.

The bird says make them the same guy. Sorry, different, one at the door, that side window on the left (in the painting), right younger, that was a younger face, forever youthful.

Its not I don't care about that Justin & JC. I cannot care. Its ....not Earthly. I didn't look like I know what I say like that, 2018.


To be honest....a lot of the guys motion if not guessing in life, they are inside their own attention how to make the money, so when they turn around, you smell good on that Melinda shower shampoo, it doesn't mean a thing their bank account will never be yours.

Every month your bank statement.

I used to travel to Canada, you cannot make them change that rule-ing if they have anything to say, that time, the most early time, I never think anyone watching me, or anyhting this gigantic mess you all very disoriented, or dis-organized, VERY messy, I cannot change all those paper works, I stack them up, and I highlight or hand write, my calligraphy. They didn't keep a copy but they seen it. 

There is something else I done to the bank credit card. I was believing what that Inelia Benz saying what thing, I reading that David Wiilcock Kerry - what is his name. So....

What you define as the credit card

debbit card

You know the function of that? The credit card you accumulate your energy debts. Your debbit card its you using it as you swipe at the Wagman, not the cash methods but you imprint your mind as "debbit card".

I went to pay it off the credit card just whenever I feel like that. Not 1 month, for so long so long so long so long including I was crossing that Canadian border, to one time California that coming back to Taiwan, that report stuffs I had something that time, I cut my credit cards, and leave all my stuffs at their hotel, and leave.

My physical objects are all in Silicon Valley. Its not the stone, or the gem stones. 

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