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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Cambridge like unbridge?

oh ~ right ...I been to her office and asking her questions, I remember. I tutor the organic chem, I remember, they are retired with a pension. I think someone shape up her drawing methods on the board, its one of you told me that. She got trained to do a lot better jobs on the black board.

The Order of the Pheonix

She is not your mother, Dr. Ester is not your mother. You don't remember how you going home after UB, like Jonathon and Wing, its to see their own parents, and now they are away from home?

I am telling you, neither any any any TV, or Landlord, or landlady, you wish your parents could be next by. I was driven that time, not I know what to do. You wish your sibling or your parents near by because you talking to them per Friday night or on the weekend. I never had that life.

But now I am home, and I am sorting a certain thing, I will tell you, your one lifetime, needs your mother whom made that food, and between she and your dad, she buys you extra things make you happy. If she dies, you gonna die out of your soul because you talking to her every single Friday night, Sat, or Sunday.

If you want to build up someone else a trusted thing, first both money has to talk about. Not the debts, because you will be dropped.

A career.

But if neither of this situation, you gonna die on the street.

You know what is the 尊上's job, I never imagine where I gonna get the money

Its including outside, every kinds of the spirituality, just pamp the rest of all that. You never think like that. And here I still make my own career or the money, and I talk in the Business section on the top. I am not sure you really care to listen a bit.

There is nothing else exist in front of you other than that. Because you know what you love to do, and rolling the money inside the bank account, and if you capable to deliver that, you will settle your own perfect life without me, but in this entire Cosmo or Thor included anything outside, there is a pamping people's job like a Pope.

"You finish lamenting or that is the word venting? Anything else?"

Because they promise me outside its the Corperation sleek, I don't know where that is the military iconic, that is a Royal nothing exist furniture place, you mean the lawsuit or the public coming inside the home and rub their furniture away....one of those.

Its PM world, its the civil right, its the debates going on.

Meaning I am like one of them, as long as the mouthful jobs, I can live on?

I shut it off the TV.

American diet is fat

Unless its necessary because the group meal, I was signing up for, that entire alternation unless I don't live with them, and I think I told that to Shane.

That being said it can be other people doing the potlock, or I go to the grocery buying something and ship it.

I will tell you

1) Youtuber

2) Zawwanna Red River Book

They are the part of the reason. In our world about long time ago I said, you can NEVER have anything like that, must identify that and get rids of.

None of you care about anyone's life, or where going about.

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