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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


You want to fix this whole things?

You cannot fix those freedom-will human forever only staying in the student mode. You look at yourself inside the mirror.

The remedy is simple. Movie: Intern.

1. Every girl drop every youth guys that Tiny Home everyone sees your parents dump you and another Adam Davis guy to a far away land to both die together. - No food cooking.

2. Your father has to go with the youth girl, touch, sex, licking, finding ways of the love or the romance. They will feel alive again.

3. Tell your mother, if your father dies, she will die immediately after that, that is why.

4. Money: correct.

5. You are not supposed to have the kids in life, but I got that someone told me some people either got forced to settle down together with their same age guys or the girls, the perfect Ella Enchanted at their time. You have to provide the education in a lot of the expense in it. 

6. America is a very bad country - because...Taiwan you can be a begger on the road, some people like them will do charity to that Adam Hailey on the road. Those costs, both for the food, and the medical expense to the current accidental insurance in America, you see the food, you happy person. You have no food in America, no matter how that immigration office lied. 

7. At the local City Metropolitan Asian, to those whom made it local those Asian will never be that Pierre Meghan looks or any of this ABC. Their brain statue will never be the dummy American buddy together have no money talk. You have every issue I told you so. Because your own democracy world, makes it very very hard. They are.

American is very very very very strict, they wish you to leave your own family and parents. 

That policy is to move Asia. Before I was born or after I was born, you use me as an excuse to debate. You are. All the girls are the failure of the man's life, your half eternity will tell you how useless the short legs, the short height like you getting too fat and useless. 

I don't like the guys, I told you everyone of them lie, but since me and the girls forever will NEVER EVER getting along, they will never ask me why every guy their only success path road its every older uncle or aunt pamp them to grow up.

Imagine you don't have as a girl.

Its every others things pamp the guy, baby the guy. 

When they ....

you girls will never realize that truth since you are all about to die, and be judgement behind... every guy lies.

I told you do what I told you to....this Zawanna why 400 millions things you hate about the guys. Every word I given you was genuine for I am the girl right now. I can give you that tiny help. Not this world will ever shed one tear at any painful full moon, so will NEVER be any of those guys.

He is no good.

And I am no good neither.

To this entire Universes.

You only got 2 people, for half eternity. No one else. You keep claiming you are the fair and justice American democracy lawful worlds, put together all arrogance man's world, of their height. Imagine....something never told.

I can offer you one thing you girls, not you to physically harming you.

To the eternity....if you have to be bound as the girl's body life.

This claim: if the period pain is a handicap, you eternal life as the handicap human pension and service such as those bus shuttle drive including the UB handicap bus shuttle, transport, parking, parking permit to the City, all handicap previldge as the one life time handicap service. 

I have a fairness and Justice name in the Bible.

So I told you so.

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