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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


🥗 You realize, for the first time in your life just like the gun man doesn't see everyone looking at him having a gun like that kind? 🥗

You think you make a mistake?

For the first time?

You all willing to pump up each other to put an innocent people to kill to live conscious, you didn't think how far down the hell its each day getting very very very cold, really.

Soon will arrive there. 

Whom will pump up loud, Wing, "oh YAY, OH YAH!"

SAYIT "Horray ~~~~"

He will put a gun extremelist at his tempo head and shoot ! He is that extreme Wing.

Tamang is that Queen, how he ends? Jump the floor suicide. Its in another building story (China I am not the shopping freak)

Wing is emotional, Tamang is up down up down up down, very very very very unstable. Not left to right like Taiwan news here. No.

Up or down, up or down, not vibrate, not shaking, just his inside is completely completely completely wrong. If they say he is in mayo, his DNA anything different? He is highly highly highly unstable. You cannot describe that feeling, as if there is no rule inside, he does what he wants. When I was near by, I feeling that, I thought it was his parents let him doing that.

But right now, I don't know if that was....? He always grew up like that, similar to Middleton. They set a something dog to bite, and growing very very thorny tall, everyone can see them?

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