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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The table plate, the Thanksgiving, or the Christmas...

Every household people on the Earth has their own activities, except me having any to be honest, what it means to be partial this ...celestial or shadowy, I have to do what I have to do.

But imagine you all cherish the most is each other accompany time, it has to eating the meal on the table every single day, that making the food twice or three time, grocery shopping, or wrapping up the plastic, or refill the trash bag, or re-settle the trash can bags, and re-stock the fridge, ordering the menu, or pick up the take-out, its always always revolved around the food.

One day to that age time, then its the hospital bill time. Every heart can stood by some human next by, your parents, or that would be me and my mother, or I near by her, or having that supports to ensure their time to be one person inside that room?

Anything like a serious thing that goes on in their life. Asking them "Were you afraid, are you feeling better? No pain, no gain?"

"You want some warm water, some alcohol wipe, before you step out, this gonna a brand new sunshine day outside the hospital door. Breath, that air gonna be fresh, and you gonna have a new day. Exciting?"

I say you cannot use my voice memo....but that there are a lot of the other hospital workers, really.

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