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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


uh ....no. Never gonna happen.

Not really. On the upper sphere, it doesn't limit to the medical field, they wish something a trend as "a real contribution to that field", the concrete things not the trash waste. That is beside the commodity that field, I am sure also fill up the junk yards sale those. 

But at the specific 10 subjects line inside, that one textbook, or the library catalog book. I have flip and read some of that in not my field. The librarian's jobs suppose to read the entire library collection book, I one time think about how to get a real job.


A correct talent, a correct professionalism skills. I have seen some of the China inside, no they don't speak in English. How to count money in the hands methods. Or someone can identify something on the screen. They show you that.

One of that I say about the military weaponry inventory count. Everyone gets a job only on that methods, I always think I would never get a job for that reason.

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