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電視:我不是購物狂|TV: I am not the shopping freak

再講醫院的 USP 跟實體那種購物商圈的店面,不是他們說的,我看過電視,我某一年開始講的大概去年,我可以講我認為!

It’s talking about the hospital UPS and the physical shopping mall those front store, not they say, I watch that TV. One of those years, probably last year, I say what I think. 

In the development of the medicine history it’s not limited to the manufacturing of the medicine people swallow, it’s the actual practice of the medicine field. In other words, you have a long trajectory of the past people try and error over 5000 Ancient Chinese history, we had only 200 years modern democracy people communicate with people in a more we are the contemporary time to the future worlds. The development of the past has the both the man and women working in relations to form a villege to the castle all around life, it’s where the farming lock in the castle system, the mid-age Europe.

Iron Age maybe that’s the word. 

The manufacturing of the iron tool in our time through the fire creates some of the metal in hitting under the burning heat. The morality to the human birth and the environment to access the clean water, it’s not as the comfer today our world values that one book, in the past it started a printing machine in the 13th century where the rich and the church could posses the book or else it’s at the church front door. That’s the education. 

Between the man and the women mentality process such as yours, his, hers, probably never based on the trust why you need to treat that person like a human, well, if the girl is a girl, that probably just never gonna die out the correct thinking sometimes just being what that you hope God exist, and that the God may never exist, I can tell you all that.

Through the education, you have what you saying the girls in pain starting very very young, people in every climate weather at least for us, its every month trial and error. If I had more leisure time, and that will be the only thing i pretend I process in life or I pretend there is a real guy next by, old or young, to whichever the confident in life would be different. I say my term, he says his. But on the basic living family house, its a 2 meals at least preparation, its the access the water, and the all around allowance the today's world e-commence all around in America, the only thing we never knew of, it just happened to start a little around my university life, I went a bit more or lean towards the internet til this one old guy show up, and he has only 10 grade education. 

When you say education failure, it has to go to those whom at which age they die out, and one of those things, its by the memory. A certain life routine or the social standing, you will acquire some of those hearsay, everyone just don't shut up and talk about it, behind or in between or hearsay.

Those are not what it used to be the oral teaching all that much, its the social gossip says.

Bad Breath

You cannot be with a guy if you insist that is not real. For the dignity and not feeling bad all around, and indeed he told me where to look at the website, its...my leisure time all those year, got nothing else concrete in my life, I went to do the excessive things in life with the body detox. You will be speaking of a chemist practice on that, not the librarian I can tell you all that. There is a huge difference if you saying that PCAT were 97 percentile on the chemist base standing to process all things in Water. That will be one thing I keep saying that very often. In every aspect of life. 

When the man is vascular plant and the women we are just only on ourselves, its almost just like the full moon they irony the women the moon effect or the blame on the mood swing. The statistic shows to you the traffic or the crime rate might have something to do with that, but the real truth or not, to which age or the gender sex involved, only the authority knows. I would tell you that handicap he does on purpose. 

Correct, there is a lot of the superstitious but he had a sister doing the massagist or he gone to the Zen temple every 5 oclock in the morning or he had visits some Japanese doctors that specialty is in between that "let the muscle loosen" around the bone. Meaning in the real scale in Toronto City development, he knows where he access some of this things and he learns about it. 

In where we met, there are also people whom just went on the television to blah on it. They literally gone to the TV to blah on it such as the cooking talent with the sister.

The time has to pass 25 years on, since 1999.

The ink and the paper used to be expensive. To someone even lament not to waste my one drop of ink for a line. That is a notebook I can not read it anymore inside, but once enough memory, that is probably enough.

In the process of the food tasting, such as any culinary art, that would be the women side around this flour wind mill in the past in those mid-age Europe.

What that concept comes to today around the 20th century, the beginning of these time, it has some of the advocacy why the women learning the herbs use at home, in prepared for the worse - both for the war reason and the cooking skills meant. Such as the England Kitchen library recipe book. They also raise the dogs, or you say the human eating the same food passing it down in their collection.

In each of the knife jobs of this taste processing. Its a combination method. People whom process the time and the method long enough, someone will tell you or given you an example the day my kitchen oven was a bag of the local gram per counting to a small oven. Its my first try on the TV after the first done before the TV, you think that is

Half bag of that + a little more than half of the "home bowl" water, its instantly manifesting right in front of you, that is the ratio of the dough. There is nothing else for that process. Its 15 mins front and the 15 mins behind.

I didn't write it down.

You don't know what you are doing, you won't be doing it, like I will always tell you all that. That kind of the process didn't require me to personal rolling a dough because we gone to vegan after the vegetarian, and he eats no yeast. So the interval missing time of that processing were about 15 years long.

In the past medical history of that 20th century meaning the beginning of that 1910+ will encountering the time of the war to that WWII lasting a population its not like us. You can literally flying through the sky and bomb every surface of the Earth like BTX, except right now this freedom is limited here. You have no human population to kill but you probably meant it the bombing of the land on the surface crust is fun.

You have no tribe formation other than the City. You start to take off, or hoovering never drop down, you will have no idea how hard its to land, or landing site at or imagining all that why you require to land at any given site, as if you travel from the past to the current world, that sensation of every kind, its you seeing the airport people with something light stick, the beaming light even in the day time, that thing might be beaming too. Today my mother cannot see but hear the door bell, that another side of inter-com has a glass door he opens, there is a uniform and the cap. That you say inside the frame of the frame, that is the distance you say you are too lazy to get up, where is your mother should be downstairs to see what things she acquires daily. 

Like I say you don't know what you are doing, you won't be doing it. 

One time the 20th century has the TV invention, one day 1950 comes a treaty, one day in front of my faces I can see the Pixie and this motion picture of every kinds including 3 3 10 the evidential supports I need....a modern world of all trend, you saying how far you mean which one of us stand in the court by per argument.

You will tell me its a saying.

I will tell you its right next by. You will have no idea how far this process done, you and me totally in 2 different world. You cannot unplug something that is right side by, per photo next to a written word, of another photo image. 

That has been doing on you knowing that on purpose, or you doing without a trace because I never told you that is the evidential support. Its the only thing I know. Someone willing to wait that long....you wonder by how. 

TV: Dream Exchange Games Ending

It was the modern scene. oh ~ I would have told you....I give someone a name, and what happened.



I actually live this modern world and this is what I grew up I used to know. 

Go back to this how the modern medicine come to the military and the usage of that application to extent from the some of the compilations of all that, because no one says using 200 years to minus 5000, every other past were not exactly meant a human life living and breathing to wishing other people's well. 

It will be the legacy herbalist talk about this and compile beginning since WWI to WWII, and he die about just when I was born. They will describe you some of this if you acquire their book or the rarely things I reading from here to there. The concept of every block of the household has one women cooking as my video talk about the basic medicine to one America at front.

One video.

It was 20th century Cayce Edgar database annual subscription and the American mliitary doctor in WWI and WWII, that will be the same man we talked about the herbalist, his name is John R Christopher. Sometimes any human for saying the health of the all American, its just one person one sympton of that one database, if were saying that time I had none help 2018-2020. It was one person very good at one illness name in the database, you saying the pre-med all over cross in one year per American Class in the 50 states. I guess i wasn't prepared that talk so I won't be saying why I make that clear that time.

I didn't change that time, how marvelous, I didn't change not even this time. Every high school science annual conference, that time I was not into the medicine the field that clear than it was in 2021 the March on. I found out in 2019 March and told a professor something happening on the line. In one year UB 2020, I didn't do much things inside, but thinking.....with all the TV in front of my face. That is how many songs shows up to the white American world, you will never know this softy music if you were not just both the TV watching + the music heart, mind, soul to make a debute. I am telling you, between running around the road and moving life scene to where to get up and start another brand new per city life, sit down and open a book to literally telling me I am not the brain dead for reading and comprehend, that is a leisure things to do in my opinionate views of you.

None of you gonna makinig this 400 million dollar annual salary like the outside, I cannot really just coming out of the thin air to saying all that the worse yet to come with this one video, which side of the Dragon world. You better just believe in Tro, you live with them, about yesterday I think something happen, you will have to choose in the end, which side of that spectrum. 

I hate the birds life included. 

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