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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Today when my mother stop breaking my head, the birds start talking, then the dog, its keep going around and around. Its very miserable here.

Why don't you call the cop?

I tell them to repeat my phone number back to me. She is a handicap.

So do you show Ronan or Gately those birds talking?

I mean more of they literally cannot stop talking as a sentence, that is called talking, NOT making a sound that simple.

You talking to Shane?


What do you usually talk about?

After Nicky I had 2 channel, and the BTX ends. You mean they went where on their tour.


I think that is the tour in China or Good Morning America, I will be talking to Brian and Mark, because of the Timezone.

Why Brian?

Just happened because when people arrive, you kinda of being courtesy saying they arrive. So that side is in Ireland. Ronan would be I didn't check where he is. Being friendly, they have arrived.

That is what you talk about?

Anything else to talk about? I told Brian I told Ronan they have arrived. 

Nothing else?

Its an interface with you imagine to talking in lengthy time?

Sound like.

With Shane, right. I got injured. 

Why don't you just called the doctor?

Shane and me we have other things talked in March or May when was that thing I told him. I forget. The leadership.

So how come you don't call us?

I will never call any of you.

You keep saying the American medical board.

Right, the celebrity if they place upon the confidence in people, people trust them, so they told them things like Michael Vartan I told him the birds too. Both side their celebrity is a lot more trustworthy. The public profile people. 

So if we cannot place our trust among people.

I am sure they understood you going through inside outside struggle about next year you will be 39 theTrumpet of your perfect life. They didn't know you are so firmly positively reinforce all that inside your mind, you pray, you kneel, you promises the devil. I told everyone about 50th times that is where you are, your one year next year. You holding the necklace or the crystal. I say 5-10 years. So no one will bother you to keep dreaming. 

So are we going on this hospital of yours?

That is why it will probably no hospital, there is none of you back up this entire things they put on the map. They probably have wished well that.

So you just talking out loud, meaning fake?

I told them the TV, I say I read, I see the news. Maybe those are the 2 omit things you wonder why I begins a conversation?

Do you talk to Shane today?


Do you literally talking to Shane on the phone.


Your mother?

That is yelling, not talking. I told him quit doing that.

The birds?


The recording

No recording, my head was hurting, how can I be recording them every single day? They are talking like a sentence, you have a nerve to record that? SHUT UP, birds.

So you haven't talking to Shane? or anyone else not you told us?

I can check.


The police and the Line App is open chat box. 

So not Westlife or Shane or Nicky?

Nicky cannot be talked to how many time I say that? Not today. 

I told you might be talking to them a certain thing?

What things?

Like a gossip?

Your hope inside your forehead above your eyebrow is very bubbling up. You hurting me.

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