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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Right, the military life is jam and pack.

Your dorm similar.

Normally people will tell you if you stay in the school for too long kinda like that Tamang, too stressful, a lot of the Asian face look exactly like him went kaput. Similar to TED Harvard that Asian told everyone his roommate suicides. 

It happens to my school, the first lady school. Our military school is at the age 32 the maximum. They taken the exam.

They can all be trained, not anywhere on the map to displace them, that is what I will tell you that, each of them coming with a family, or a background, their dad or mom. Me and Obama is different. They can just keep aiming at the open space ground, when this landing trajectory sounds right, or the bullet company with their eye blind fold 360 turning, with 360 about 100 of that 4 by 4 256 hole wooden board. That you even need to pre-made in advance.

There is a Tina's graphic paper. Just happened that time.

Yeah, exactly 256 drills in the wood.

This entire world is very very snail slow motion

Really. I used to say a word or two, very very often. I seize that power before this 5 Lords Reviews happened. Most people don't imagine that, or think like that. I did. I am aware, I just don't go and really literally meant, just when they let me down.

My weight is 69.90 Kg.

Coming it down. Babaji says okay.

Meaning before that Ancient Chasez time 2016, 2017.

2014 1 year.

2015 the profesional killer (Catching Fire, that will be Black Ops and Russian included)

Let me imagine.....what I say to you life that you know you grow up and someone can just keep grow up in that single space no one knows what happened inside at all.

UFO Seth would be 2017, its after Mark Chao (趙又廷 2017 3 3 10 Peach Blossom)

Ancient Chasez whichever that equation can be dead and gone exactly he told me he is inside a bean, til the last day Pang and my mother, we walking toward a mounted hill up with the stair, he sign off. 

It is very upset but I was occupied. Pixie is that time I given them a name, too. These Earthly cannot be dead, and I must live on, I keep saying that. So that guy getting out of my sight its the best thing he ever did.....what the Royal guard ever means to me. I know that myself, or I know that don't tiny bother me, at all.

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