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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


No, stay with things near you. You cared about it,

1. None you know if who got starved to death 1000 years.

2. No one knows they are jumping timeline passing it by.

3. They are softy, so let them stay in their own happy world without you.

4. Especially when the movies means to you and turn real.

None of that are true.

You trying to say if the second language barrier of learning which side language when you going back home from the very normal high school in America. You mean you speaking two language from home starting.

You didn't make it in that world, and someone coming from the international back home to land in your New Sunshine world. You yourself are not happy both side. You cannot take advantage of your parents home, or neither trust your own very parents, you cannot outsmart your parents, and your co-workers, you just want to run away, with all that so there is all this lawsuit means, you are determined to gamble.

You use the mentality the passport its American, but your parents abused you, or you are forced to go back to your parents' home unless its hand it to you the wealth, you are not planning on that business side with your parents, unless its a Child Star must be starting?

One of those, and this international where comes back to land at your world, and then your parents world?

You mean me right now.

Its happening right in front of you, really. My karma looks like this with these entire UB, many are the local white, but there are these countries useless kids need to run away, if not one or all together in different time.

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