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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Movie: Iron Man 2 (2010)

I am watching, they are having a glass of champagne. 

Right, if the business or the money allows, that champagne next by could all kind of the snack, the snack stock up, the buying, the dessert, a gift box, or the pre-made some food. Even one extra salad, one extra bread crumb, one vacuum chicken tear into the strips.

You doing that often per day jobs, that is all you ever think of.

When Westlife and me talk, no matter which one of them, I think we finish talking.

Its now all of your match to be together, but I am explaning all the table wear and the personal hygenic, and that person keep doing or saying its me.

  • A career
  • A picnic, or BBQ preparation meal
  • Some friends association for sometimes
  • Money with that settlement we gonna get old with the senior care.
  • The address filling, the home address or the car maintenance
  • The guy to guy, or the girl to girl. Intimacy, holding hands or sex.
  • Trust things overall in the upper hand but deliver some brain jobs because people are still inside their jobs and make that professional or thinking outside the box
  • So there is a steady income.

Field Track - Formula One scene

Let’s say 10 years ago, we few people talk because Keanu fade away. From on Earth. Right now it’s a lot of people to say all their next step in their life.

Their romance, their chance to talk to each other, a table meal and everyone watching the movies.

Lets say, 50,000 staffs here are 

Every both side we citizen not as much every police, fireman, governmental

All at the same time, initiate a cooking, a romance, a first talk, a first phone call, a first finding glue, a first investigation, a first judge, a first investigator…

Not all at the same time, but everyone coming in and out of my page.

You understand that’s the whole planets keeping having a new motion inside someone’s life.

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