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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Everyone can be a little bit nervous, in all these scenes.

Breath ?

Inhale, exhale. Everyone doing fine!!

Right, we have the speech written, I write. Breath !!

Right, I introduce myself both words and the photo, breath ?

Right, I response in the next second with things, breath ?

Right, I didn’t intend to debate, I just memorize the textbook, breath ? Drawing the physics and kinda hear French.

Right, you all want the water, the juice, the dessert, the new blanket gift packs, the American flag. You want an air-con ? LED light?

Tell me, 10 years + 7 or 8 years, written and write the publication one Earth here, not outside. We don’t look outside. Just calm down inside. You know people have say that’s what amount if written down, the video, the audio combine?


Breath !!!

Now, next

People in every walk of life always have a real issue other than me = God’s issues, because my karma different. Really.

Their staring got mad points in front of them, it’s when their parents exist, they will forever tell their parents other than me. Agree?

Babaji has the millions years evolution clear and done or need to face a real confrontation issues. None of those people saying a “wa” baby girl born with a face just when he intuitively hand me a microphone to go saying the first article on this site on that 2 home seller, on that movie “Economic” words in that field and being seen inside a movie frames.

He is too multi-talent. You all just breathe first. 

Writing is not an issue for me, other things of physics I didn’t do yet. No textbook. 

With all these set of people, if one …

Come out stand next by me on Earth. On Earth, from Earth…this is the time Mahavatar Babaji, 2 of them are right online or near this conjunction time and at the line.

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