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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Have you travel before abroad?

You are? ! Do you know I told the train 7 in the end its Flushing City. They have this Asian tourism agent, selling the air flight tickets. You use Expedia, or orbit? To purchase online, you are? Where you come from? Philippine? You have some domestic flight, when you coming from that city, you know how it lands with the cheaper rate or you just use the online site?

I am just curious you still care about the traveling agent, you have to be there to pick up the airline ticket, but you can call to inquire the cheapest rate and the route. 

Flushing will have some of the vegetarian local this some immigrant from Asia stays there, but they have the bubble tea, I think just right in the end of the train 7. No bus require. But that train is taking a long stop, you 2 gonna stay next by sleep a little bit, holding your luggage travel or the bags?

So you planning next time, you plan your stay at where? The hostel or the hotel?

The bed and the breakfast?

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