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💝💝💝 Conan Detective - Halloween Bride





Left hand = gun = Hira

Catherine red hair

Neo = Mat = t = Ola

Dean = 安室先生

The helicopter scene = matrix.

I remember that rehearsal like thousand time I keep seeing that windows, or the helicoper, or flying out of the windows.

Mercury - the lab thermometer. 

You cannot pick up the mercury at the base of the thermometer, because it breaks, then it splits out, but it will not be a liquid, because if you use your hand to pick it up = 1=> 2 =>4


Taoist, my art video about the teaching of the Tao, to shrink your ego, first let you blow up and it stuck at the base of your teeth or the base of the road, hell?

The thermometer, if you break, it fallen all on the ground, you cannot clean that up for saying which pink or blue the fluid. You go to the ending song like the TV. Before the Halloween pumpkin face, those dots are the mercury. 

==> the bathroom is dirty. (Emily cleaning the bathroom, the bath tubes in the comic book)

==> You google psychi about the dream = you are under distress. 

Final scene where the police

I think....that people are not good in America, Europe has the senior citizen care, America care too much of the appearance, they go to war and die, that is the national policy. 

--> They just random their vote on the very last moment, not really what the survey says about how they run a presidential election, not really. They go by their anger, they do what they feel like in the last min.

--> The lawsuit, if these being called upon lawyer review my case, they will turn mild.

None of this will be that helping you. The one helping you inside these TV is = as unstable as you all are. Not necessary near by. It might just be the parents seeking revenge or the public near by all around neighborhood. That is what you mean the free will, without the moral bound code, anything but hellish.

I told you some scamming methods to my mother near by whom, she lost her sister's saving. You talking about a regular very very very conservative Asian family, that trust a sister and lost everything. To the scam group because they keep calling her. They revenge at the very very old time. I saw this old lady in the Metro with an umbrella staring at an old guy in front of me and her seat. Its a senior seat in the metro. That time my leg was hurting, so I sit right next by her. 

Its a full long umbrella, and she staring in front of a what?

I keep looking at where she staring at. People seek revenge, and you try to say how useful your parents don't want to mind their own happy world without you there.

Here it would be me, even I stood near by that Nicky, his family or something...I think that is one time I seeing that laterly. 

2 Timeline  1) pink    2) light blue

                      love         sad

                      pompeo     tear

The history where a pompeyo will tear?

At that Alexandra pillar, the historic measuring stick or a gallow bar stick?

Conan Detctive - the entire series.

You really hope the medical board knowing what the world really ends up at the base of that ball = a bomb.
So he is a shell

  1. A bomb
  2. A bomb shell

2 theme from Conan Detective

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