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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Babaji the Department of the Art

"I would like the applause to all your endeaver works and long time being hired in this process for knowing what you do exactly what you mean it in front of my peripheral with all this....any of this. (drawing the circle on the board) - I have come to realize, that is not every min of the day you and I have to talk, or you and me must chat with anything of this needie greedie never finish in front of my eyes and peripheral (time zone). I am very sure what you mean by what you say were nothing but the puff of a joke or the meant to or at your heart, this is FOR ME, DONE FOR ME, and indeed that I do this for all of you never end. Do you register one sense what this is, never ending results of all that, all that, ALL OF THAT. (throw the entire board out). I would prefer you never do this ever to me, EVER DONE TO ME, not to say NEVER EVER talk to me EVER about it anymore, the meeting is adjourn."

I would like to tell you, (two arm open on the table), this is the end of our conversation anything behind my back. I try to imagine a word to describe myself, not just all that, its everything but that. We have come to this term in many different sphere or the talking or the meeting or whichever we communicate you understand me, I cant see anything behind my back right now. That is the ending results I do not want to hear or bring up anything in that sort, or any more creative than that. You all be very skillful doing this, and I am the less to say very blind folded never require to hear, to see, to know what could be anything else behind all that, I won't turn my back toward, or you shall all just leave when we finish this. Its not what I say I mean I say it, its all of that behind, I don't care how you meant you have the heart, no heart. No. We finished?

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