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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Babaji and the Home Land Security

"Pardon me to be rude, I have something to announce !!"

(Quick quick, go, go, go, go, don't hindrance my sight."

"I would like you all to know that, there is a reason why we are all gathering around here and everyday, doing nothing but sitting AROUND HERE. There is every reason you believe why you exist to make me miserable or suffered, well, this is unspeakable ( a stack of paper), here you get this, here you get that, and this, you take it back. No, I don't want to see, I don't want to hear. (my eye glasses fallen off).

As you might all be aware that these things are coming no alert process, meaning my brain is not literally got told why or how we all be dead in the last second, this is what I am talking about .....


Can you hurry up? Get out my sight, some mute people below don't raise their head up when I am talking, my eyes glasses cannot see.

Hi, this morning has been busy, you all sitting there waiting, it must be a long procedure for my to acquire THESE much of the paper, there are 3 of you coming up. The last you don't bother, I mail it to you. I have no words to tell you my mood is very bad every single day on, and yours? How is your morning this sunshine too great we gather the outdoor like this, the wind doesn't blow away your paper, the flag behind me or what that supposes to if that is stablized on the ground behind my back....really. 

As you all might be thinking why we will always be sitting here, I stand here, I didn't get told by that intuitive process how or why some very last min if not by the second, we encounter the danger and die.

Anyone? No, I need to know you hear what I say and repeat it back to me.

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