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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


About the guy you cannot control in UB - 關於男孩子你不能控制 在水牛城大學


You girls have this dignity that wind through your bones, but those things are not real when you have to lower yourself to asking for a job. A lot of guys in some field done some of that, so in front of them, you are very very high pride, not just to me. To this guy not inside this TV. The ones you saying about?

Like Pang, like my brother I have to be alive, for them, not you are not part of the equation. You are not a worth person someone will love you. Someone will tell you all that. A lot of the guys when they finding a way to serve the wave rising, they will tell you all of you doing things on purpose, including those guys. You can get rid of your entire guys or the girls, sit in a room imagine that American border line or the immigration is hurting myself, so I rise to the Top, regardless every climate weather. 

You put up an image about someone using their life for your parents to keep pamp you. Your parents know you are a junk on their own. They might even tell you so. The guys got pamp to grow up are in millions numbers. They just believe that should, not you girls don't. 

What you did or wish you win are the following scenario.....

1) You gather a group of the parents of your own and family friends to say in your house you gather. You stood there, one guy or 2 guys pass by, they don't know each other. Its a party everyone happened to be there.

2) For 5 second, you knew this guy coming near, or in 2 different side of the house, you are so proud, how it makes a scene in front of this 2 guys.

3) I just told you, these things don't make an idea why you have any significant you will be all foreclosure yourself out with the fantasy you keep imagine that Hailey made Adam did in front of all that glowing image, only the guys know, and every single one of them will tell her lies.

I say this again.

Inside our city its somewhat cold, in America will be colder because they are the taller race. People who make the enough money, they can be with their family, so can I, Except my home town is partial similar to NYC. That is not good or bad. Meaning one person inside one room, with one computer. Think again.

Think, think, think.

The parents I say "All right, this is enough, you all be free. Not I be free. I gonna get another place resting my head for a week seriously."

To a lot of the fake circle they will think inside their mind, you 60-600 ALONE UB, not the rest of my original facebook, are a big happy family. The TV says 2 times direction, 20 years ago already ended. One AOL this one incident.

A lot of this ugly guy, the short Asian I describe to you just might doing that they themselves strive to pay the rent, dirty, feet and hand, but they stare at their job and the PC. Short, no particular appearance glow reason, they got this China Smart Living Friends home.

The younger couple, no kids, or one kid.

He has on his schedule book every weekend similar to Dr. Bing Shen, around this 4 small nucleus family, or just bf /gf, young, their age. No education, no helping, no priesthood, no parenting talks. Just happy 5 -8 units each other gone to each other house to social, or talk, or classmate meet between themselves on the weekend. 

I describe this one thing never stop. He will remain single and very selfish you look at him, you know that. HIs face, his eye glasses, his home, his everything indoor or laundry, he will FOREVER never invite you inside the home to see what he meant he lives at. He is one hell of the selfish human but be happy in this race of the yellow. No white, just all around in his age line, might be younger or might be older or our same age. They establish those VERY selfish life, only be happy. 

Those are all the legal world that God allows us to exist. 

This one example I saying that hundred time. 

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