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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


You cannot jump those gym class or Dr. Black Jack TV anymore (Sakura Clear Cards)

One day for sometimes, later, I say....what? You aging already.

Your parents used to be young, on Earth these diet, have to go through the process of the aging, even me to be watchful. Its in the accordance of the heaven, that let them place my Will. You didn't take that as your ought-to-be Heaven's the only will. You place your prayers or those homeless donation as if you evoke your emotion from behind your spine upward, you saying that day, the God must shed tear for you, you such a good person.

That is a very very selfish being, for a whimp thought of that Capitalisms, you saying you need that good deed priesthood program. That is what made of the America. And you all believing in it.  Unless you going through some military, you realize, its no one cares about no one inside, or the compete and compared its right at the height, appearance, voice, or the rank of those uniform, you will get a sense of the flag in the correct sense.

The white girls are very very very lazy, outside in the world zone. Every white girls, not the military girls, that is why something were talked about them, or I mentioned a bit. 

It means they want their factory jobs back, right next by their parents home, how they used to grow up the same grocery store, or the school, or some church location. Near the brother, or near the in-laws. I think that is what this Taiwan youtubers on the girl's side want. They might be wanting to go back to kill someone, or check a lot of things. They didn't realize what Taipei can offer. Correct, its all in China. It is.

The people who be access to stay in Taiwan, they probably gone to Japan you mean learning a lot more those culture, Japan got a name. Correct. I stay here because my family are here, the relative, the relative property roof, you should just ask Loki, why the home owner manual I cannot talk about be that mental, I go to Japan for? Those are the older people in their life, to see what? The youth run away girls, or really just talk about the things bothering you the most. 

"I don't really have the things bothered me at the moment other than the life or death. I seem to be very content and happy all by myself with the psycho things all around me but my family and the relative are all here."

I need to rest now.

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