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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Why don't you all wishing me well with Shane or Nicky? AND Nicky?! One of those?

Yeah, it probably is Shane or Nicky. I guess its Shane. Behind its going back and forth back and forth, toooooooooo many times. I meant it I really don't know, so I just gonna pretend to be Shane, then or Nicky. 

Its real.

Me and Shane (let me put that words down). No, not that much we talk because I am too busy, too tired, so I gone to sleep. Not feeling well. 

Ep 08, Ep 09



What if what?

If Laura meets her UK best friend, you mean whom cared whom's stuffs not the high school, its the UK as the which major we were in? There is a mushroom professor looking like in Cell Bio. I forget if she taken that class.

I forget its a women or its a man. 
It was about the reproduction organ in male body parts.

The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants Part 2.

She doesn't paint....

Sorry, what did you say, the voice or the seeing to meet? Some girls care about some other stuffs, or not the capsule human I am telling you, look at the Japanese capsule human living condition. 

Everyone all gains so much weight, never end.

If you now find a partner, just like your Christmas dancing partner for a diary to start on losing weight, in 20 years down, you still care about this diary, or this one guy. Really.
For the dancing partner that Christmas tape, to lose weight together, 10 pound is 10 pound, here we use the kg, so 20 pounds are still 20 pounds in that fighting the moonlight together.

Adam has something to do with that moonlight.....

Its a Tundra wolf. He runs field track, the only person runs track field is Lana Smallville Dr. Bing's daughter or Connie.

Mimmo's wife looks like Sandra Bullock.

Her Asian motto ABC grows up to her dad was, as long as that person diarrihea to die, she will rise up to the number 1 marathon. 

She save her dad from eating he hand picks the mushroom, I have no idea where, he was not poison to die. That is what I was told. City of Hope, the mushroom.....so many heart cut people too care to near, too ignorance to ignore, really. 40 years already pass and gone, so many new faces, if you cannot even find the forever youth, at this moment will sound a lot like the eternal game if someone be that wise to utilize a fat reason for staring the movie, if I were.....

Any of that.

When Orlando's host father.....just happened when all that happened he has left Kentucky. Maybe having him show up to having one talk.

One trip of somewhere he used to be. No matter how my father ends up where, people like them, whom makes one trip, to anywhere to any part of the certain world.

It may not be the current China, but in 20 years, another 40 years....you imagine the future everyone dead, really.

Maybe you didn't hear hard, learn hard one Dream Exchange Game one final ending at all. 

Your eternality before you dead. Ell~~~~a enchanted.

What is Laura talking like Lee? 

She can be a teacher I think the way how she uses her talent, I just don't know where she gone after. Her best friend is a RN.

I won't be back there. In case....any morphosis things keep happening in front or behind my back, really. You should know what that means, someone does a thing behind everyone else back. 

  • Adam's big family used to be were at his real birth dad, that somewhere North Kentucky.
  • Laura is a big family I think in her neighborhood with her husband or bf that time.

Both are north that area, and Adam's dad doesn't look like things being funny will belong together in the high school with any of you, I am telling you really to drive that far down. 

How does Lee talk like ....that is a funny question....

Owen's...is the old women's high school consultant next by ED Bear.

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