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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


TW MD 2, one is Henry, one is Jason

Henry near by Eric.

So there is a Jason and Vicky. Henry looks like Alex, Jonathon's brother 20 years ago. Maybe, you don't think the guys just separate Asian in Asia, too many people standing over there. Henry is Lee's height. 

No, when Jonathon and Tina gone out, Hank by himself in the house, I go to Feel Rites or Wagman or BJ myself faster, or Wing gone with Zac to one of them, so i don't need to spread myself all over the place.

Right ...

I don't have any girl around, no, I know Vampire eats.....not vegetarian, the older Vampire stories, I have seen its the romance girls. What is the vegetarian means? There is a vegetarian vampire?

The movie scripts ... "What do we eat?"

The Geek Clubs eats? Wing and me gone to he knows where? The Greek Restaurant, I think....is that on Sheridan? 

Olsen WIlson? What a name....His movie, he is in the Meet the Parents? Somebody....whom writes that down, all of it. Sorry, Owen.

What is "Drillbit Taylor" (2008)?


Since you are all over the United States

You all find which girl, coming in, one by one, you all go and asking her out after. If she suppose do what jobs?

You pile up for 2 years lists, all the girls name you can find. ALL the girls' name you can find, list it down, you cross it out later one by one, I think that might be in the movies. One by one on your own list. You if ever that gonna happened you go talk about it.

There is nothing there. You just stare at the movie or pretending to go on the date, or staying on the phone. 10 phones lines. How long they say the War will be? 

National Treasure - code


Westlife - Written in the Star


Kian becomes whom?

The girls that can dress the clothes, you hire the model.

The girls that can cook, you go to the culinary school to hire the chef.

Shane and Nicky, how about Wing, you move over that height to Alex that side, coming and going. Not Jonathon, you Wing. Jonathon deals that Tina and Hank, you go with Zac in the car, and you come back and tell Zac. Zac is your height, that will be all similar height.


Zac@@    was Harry Potter's look. 


🦃 @@                    🦃 APO Chambler             🦃      

Crazy Asian Rich = APO Chambler + = Dr. T +


🦃     @    @                                          

Tom Riddle

In the hector's world, what is the message for, " Kill someone, please."

"There is no such codes like that, but I understand what you mean."

"Its from American medical board".

VS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUPFGBgEH7U

S.H.E: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcGrAdXGlks

He is a double E community college. I was told. 

That is Lucy's mother (red gloove + red hearing), System Behind. Against his high school. Mostly. No one knows what's going on his high school. He has no college groups. 

Back seat, a phone and an ear piece. Typing phone.......slip.

There is nothing in the backseat windows going in by seeing outside touring....Chinese population so many !!! 

There is a System group calling him (might be Zac looking @@ that groups)

Current time, I need to eat my lunch.

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